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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2009
So i just realized that I no longer have the vibrate icon that use to appear on the notification bar. When i switch from normal to vibrate or vis-versa it will show the large icon, but im talking about the small speaker icon that use to display next to the battery indicator.

Was this removed in 3.0 or is it a fluke of the new jailbreak?

not that big of a deal, just wondering really.

Umm... there is no such icon... When you put it in vibrate you just get the big bell with the line over it, but no icon in the status bar. I've never seen it.
that's a program in cydia that does it, it's a mobilesubstrate plugin called "status notifier".

It will show little pictures next to the battery to let you know if you have/are set to: vibrate, email, MMS, SMS, RSS, IM, etc.
Ya I'm talking about the bell with the line through it. I did have status notifier previously so if it only shows up when that's installed cool. I just always thought it was default.
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