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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 24, 2006
So I wanted more out of my iphone 3G and went ahead and Jailbroke it. Everything worked the way it should but I have one question regarding battery life. Is it in my head or does the battery seem to drain a little quicker?
if you want your battery life at max turn off push, wifi 3g and location services. all those drain your battery because they constantly look for a connection. And you jailbroken question I dont seem to see a difference between not jailbroken and jailbroken
So I wanted more out of my iphone 3G and went ahead and Jailbroke it. Everything worked the way it should but I have one question regarding battery life. Is it in my head or does the battery seem to drain a little quicker?

Can Jailbreaking it allow you to use it as an iPod Touch if you cancel the contract?
i dun think that a jailbroken iPhone will use up battery faster. I think it has to do with what apps you're operating on and what services you are using most frequently.
if you cancel your contract you can use it as in ipod touch anyway... that was a silly question.

Thank you for responding.
But it's not that silly of a question.
I've had two people tell me that if you cancel the contract, the phone will lock.
It may not be right away but I heard it happens the next time you try to sync it.
Thank you for responding.
But it's not that silly of a question.
I've had two people tell me that if you cancel the contract, the phone will lock.
It may not be right away but I heard it happens the next time you try to sync it.

Ive heard this as well, from an AT&T employee. Long story short, after the contract is over, you will have a short period of time, sync or not, before it locks itself.
Thanks for the responses. Turning off openssh was the real difference it seems. Now battery life drains the same as before I jailbroke it.
Yeah - what would the point of locking it be? You've already paid the termination fee, so why would AT&T or Apple care what you did with it? Why would they want to piss you off?
wondering how a simple question about battery life ended up being a speculation about iPhones locking themselves?

Anyway, another jailbreak related question: For future firmware updates I would probably have to legally update then jailbreak again? or is there no way just update modified firmwares? I would hate to install everything all over again by way of openssh.
wondering how a simple question about battery life ended up being a speculation about iPhones locking themselves?

Anyway, another jailbreak related question: For future firmware updates I would probably have to legally update then jailbreak again? or is there no way just update modified firmwares? I would hate to install everything all over again by way of openssh.

since when is jailbreaking illegal?
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