I just jailbroke my 3G iPhone and now when I click on the Visual Voicemail button within the phone application all that shows is the previous item I was on before I hit "Voicemail". For example if I was on Favorites, Visual Voicemail would show Favorites, and if I was on Keypad, Visual Voicemail would show Keypad.
Is there anyway to fix this? I have tried following these instructions, but it did not work (http://www.modmyifone.com/forums/pw...reak-now-i-have-no-edge-visual-voicemail.html)
Note that I am a legit AT&T user and had no problems with Visual Voicemail prior to jailbreaking.
Thanks for the help.
Is there anyway to fix this? I have tried following these instructions, but it did not work (http://www.modmyifone.com/forums/pw...reak-now-i-have-no-edge-visual-voicemail.html)
Note that I am a legit AT&T user and had no problems with Visual Voicemail prior to jailbreaking.
Thanks for the help.