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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2009
I have an iPhone 3G running 3.0, using WiFi only, no cell service whatsoever.
It's jialbroken using rednow. For some reason, I'm not getting push notifications from AIM. Is it being jailbroken, the reason why? Please help;
I For some reason, I'm not getting push notifications from AIM. Is it being jailbroken, the reason why? Please help;

Mine is JB with redsn0w and I get push notifications. Seems like with Wi-Fi you should be getting them.

CHeck settings/notifications to see if it is on and also if the AIM application shows up in the list of apps that get notification.

Also check under settings/mail, contacts, calendars to make sure fetch data is set to push.
Everything is on, Push is on. I'm not sure what else can be the problem.
Everything is on, Push is on. I'm not sure what else can be the problem.

That is odd-I can't imagine that ALL push is coming from the Cellular network? That just seems to anti everything that AT$T is trying to do.

My phone now switches to WiFi in Starbucks automatically. AT$T is doing everything they can to keep data off the 3G network.
That is odd-I can't imagine that ALL push is coming from the Cellular network? That just seems to anti everything that AT$T is trying to do.

I'd actually be very surprised if any push came through via WiFi. When you're on wifi, you're not registered with a network where they can see your device to push to. Only on the cellular network do they have the visibility to your device to be able to send something to it, such as a phone call, SMS, or push notification.
I'd actually be very surprised if any push came through via WiFi. When you're on wifi, you're not registered with a network where they can see your device to push to. Only on the cellular network do they have the visibility to your device to be able to send something to it, such as a phone call, SMS, or push notification.

Okay so I am dense this early afternoon-you are of course correct. If you are anonymously on a Wi-Fi network, how would the push service know where to send that data?!?

Okay, I'll go back to sleep now. :D
I'd actually be very surprised if any push came through via WiFi. When you're on wifi, you're not registered with a network where they can see your device to push to. Only on the cellular network do they have the visibility to your device to be able to send something to it, such as a phone call, SMS, or push notification.

The Push notifications work just like MobileMe push email works, your Phone initiates a tcp connection with apple's servers, doesn't matter what kid of connection you're on. This tcp connection stays alive, and just waits for messages. RIM phones use the cellular networks to push, apple does not rely on having a constant cell connection. Push works fine on the iPod touch for this reason.

The poster is having issues because if you 'hacktivate' your phone, Push will not work right now. Use a jailbreak method that does not activate your phone for you, and it will work fine.
Kinda funny I saw this thread because I was actually having the opposite problem. Earlier today, I noticed my phone was pushing my email for both of my email accounts even though I only have it set up in settings to Fetch one account and manually check the other. I dont know if that would have had anything to do with my customization, or even an app that may have been screwing it up somehow, but I had to re-store and re-jailbreak earlier and although it doesnt seem to be doing that now, Ive been at my computer for the last few hours so I havent had the opportunity to check.
In the meantime, does anyone know why it might be doing that? Could that be a bug, or is there something I dont have set right?
The poster is having issues because if you 'hacktivate' your phone, Push will not work right now. Use a jailbreak method that does not activate your phone for you, and it will work fine.


same issue here in Canada with iphone 1st gen (at&t) only, but no friends to borrow a sim from, since at&t doesnt exist here... :(
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