I For some reason, I'm not getting push notifications from AIM. Is it being jailbroken, the reason why? Please help;
Everything is on, Push is on. I'm not sure what else can be the problem.
That is odd-I can't imagine that ALL push is coming from the Cellular network? That just seems to anti everything that AT$T is trying to do.
I'd actually be very surprised if any push came through via WiFi. When you're on wifi, you're not registered with a network where they can see your device to push to. Only on the cellular network do they have the visibility to your device to be able to send something to it, such as a phone call, SMS, or push notification.
I'd actually be very surprised if any push came through via WiFi. When you're on wifi, you're not registered with a network where they can see your device to push to. Only on the cellular network do they have the visibility to your device to be able to send something to it, such as a phone call, SMS, or push notification.
The poster is having issues because if you 'hacktivate' your phone, Push will not work right now. Use a jailbreak method that does not activate your phone for you, and it will work fine.