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macrumors member
Original poster
May 16, 2009
so we jailbroke our phones , im new by the way and just wondering what are cool apps to d/l what can i do now..........
ultrasn0w for 3G, Winterboard, SBsettings, NES, OSU, SSH, MXTube, etc etc. I would say ultrasn0w, SSH and Winterboard are the 3 main important reasons why people jailbreak.

ultrasn0w is a software unlock for the iPhone 3G
Winterboard allows themes.
SSH allows you to wirelessly get into your iPhone.
ultrasn0w for 3G, Winterboard, SBsettings, NES, OSU, SSH, MXTube, etc etc. I would say ultrasn0w, SSH and Winterboard are the 3 main important reasons why people jailbreak.

ultrasn0w is a software unlock for the iPhone 3G
Winterboard allows themes.
SSH allows you to wirelessly get into your iPhone.

what can you do with ssh? what are advantages of there a program to were you can set any mp3 to someones contact ringtone..
I'm new to jailbreaking aswell, even though I've had my 3G for about a year. What I would recommend is:

Cycorder - Video recording

Winterboard - Lets you set custom themes to just about everything

Qik - Video Recording that streams your feed live at

Tricker 3G - Tricks your phone into thinking your 3G connection is a WiFi connection allowing you use Slingplayer and Skype in any 3G area.

Netatalk (Mac Only) - An alternative to OpenSSH. I prefer this because it mounts the iPhone onto my Finder as a remote Hard Drive. It allows me transfer files to and from the iPhone over my network. With OpenSSH you need a separate FTP application to be able to browse through the iPhones folders. With Netatalk you can do it all within the finder as if were another hard drive.

SBsetting. Adds a drop down menu to the iPhone. You swipe the top bar to bring it down. It gives you shorcuts to settings like Wifi and Bluetooth that you can turn on and off right from there, rather than rooting around in your settings menu. I only ever really used it though to add the numerical percentage to the battery. but yesterday, the nice folks here on the forums found a way to hack a plist in one of the folders inside the iphone that adds the numerical battery without the need for SBsettings. SBsettings can eat up your battery.
I just jailbroke my phone. When I activate cydia it keeps asking me to upgrade essentials and when I do it says Error.

How do i fix this? Do I have to re-jailbreak


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Why did you Jailbreak if you don't already have your own reasons? You jailbreak for a purpose - to achieve things that you can't otherwise, not just to be cool.

I think youll have better results if you search google for "best cydia apps" or youtube too.
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