I will be truthfull. The only programming I had done before I start C++ was HTML and Applescript, which were no way near the concept of C++. I started C++ and at the start, the concepts were easy to grasp but then... POINTERS APPEARED!
My God, I don't remember being so frustrated in my entire life. There are problems that I encounter even now in C++, 10 months after I had my first encounter in C++.
The other thing that frustrates me is C++ output to files.
And the last and very important thing: C++ is a total CHAOS! Is very picky, and doesn't forgive mistakes. Is not only is a superset of C, is a HUGE implementation of new information! Not only that, but it has so many things to learn, so many libraries, and so many programming techniques, that it may take years to master the language and actually make a program that it would really get you any money at all. If you do a search for C++ in google, you will find that apart from the things that the books tell you, there is also a vast amount of information that you must read and study in order to get profficient in C++
Do not make the same mistake as I did. Learn a simpler language first, like Java, which is cross-platform, then move on slowly to C++.
One thing I must tell you though. What i do like about C++, is the fact that lets you not only do anything, but when you finally manage to write some decent programs, you will see that it will have forced you to write a very clean codebase. Programs that are written in C++ are very clean compared to other languages...
Finally, I don't know if that matters to you, but I heard somewhere that Apple will not be continuing Java's implementation in OS X. It will leave it as is. Java was never meant to be implemented as one of OS X's native SDK's. They initially intended to provide support for Obj-C, C++, C. After that they only included Java to attact the Java developpers, but now, they want to drop support. I guess that explains why Java has always performed so badly on the Mac platform...
After you have read a book that will teach you the basics in C++, you can download Bruce Eckel's "Thninking in C++" Vol1 and Vol2 for free on the internet. They are an excellent source of information and will teach you many things that will help you write some decent programs.