Very confused teacher is not a very good one at school, but if you could help me with my homework that would be great
Its all just Computer Science 1K
Thank you!
The question is:
For each of the following problems write the method exactly as described and than write a valid method call either assigning the reluts to a variable or displaying the results in a print statement.
3. Write a method called isEven that recieves and integer argument and returns boolean true if the argument is an even number, false otherwise.
I am truly confused as how to create a boolean that is equal to only even numbers... if anyone knows how to do this it would be great! A speedy response would be appreciated!
Its all just Computer Science 1K
Thank you!
The question is:
For each of the following problems write the method exactly as described and than write a valid method call either assigning the reluts to a variable or displaying the results in a print statement.
3. Write a method called isEven that recieves and integer argument and returns boolean true if the argument is an even number, false otherwise.
I am truly confused as how to create a boolean that is equal to only even numbers... if anyone knows how to do this it would be great! A speedy response would be appreciated!