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Private Dirt

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 19, 2009
I am assuming that JBing is free.. what about the apps? Are they basically setup like the App Store... some free and some cost $$??
Yes, jailbreaking is free. And you are right, most apps are free, but some are paid. The only thing that I don't like about jailbreaking is that it's hard to tell in Cydia which are paid apps before you install. Luckily, it's easy to uninstall if it's something that you don't want.
another question... will I still have all my App Store apps? I mean all the ones pre-JB
Thanks for the quick answers and thanks for not beating me up for asking something that Im sure has been aske before. :)
If You Knew Its Been Asked Before Why Did You Ask In The First Place!!!!! Use The Search Button For Crying Out Loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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