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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 2, 2008
Nashvegas, TN
Anyone beat all the levels? I just beat the last one yesterday.

I want to know your best times on a few different levels:

Level: My Best Time:

Ski Jump 17.240
Easy Start 9.560
Rockets 24.439
Kerplunk 17.400
Catapult 23.199
Love JellyCar!

The only level I've got ya beat on is Kerplunk - with a 17.040. I'm still working on beating Catapult, and it's had me stuck ever since the update. How did you manage to beat it?
The only level I've got ya beat on is Kerplunk - with a 17.040. I'm still working on beating Catapult, and it's had me stuck ever since the update. How did you manage to beat it?

My buddy at work beat it again in 10.160 seconds this morning. We just made the car big and tried to go over the wall that is behind the car when you start, you have to make it small at the exact right time. I'm sure that's not the way they want you to do it, but oh well. I thought they would have made it so you couldn't get over it but that's how we did it.
Hah! I actually found <---that thread about the PSP version right before you posted. Managed to beat it in 12.360.

I'd still like to know how they actually intend for you to beat the level... the highest yellow block that connects to the final blue platform makes it really difficult to actually get on the blue platform. That, and the actual timing of the catapult are the problems I've had the most with the level until now.

As for the rest of my times:

Crusher: 16.200
Tree Skipping: 64.244
Easy Start: 9.760
The Factory: 84.513
Circus: 62.444
Beware the Spikes: 53.562
The Cavern: 73.719
Ride the Wave: 45.400
The Castle: 115.776
Ski Jump: 20.040
Circles: 71.121
Rockets: 46.081
Platforming: 78.437

Also note that I haven't had a chance to really try for better scores yet, so post whatever you've got to give me an idea of where to start!
Catapult 10.160
Tree Skipping 37.959
Easy Start 9.560
The Factory 84.433
Crusher 82.474
Beware the Spike 73.639
Circus 92.869
Ride the Wave 29.638
Ski Jump 17.240
The Cavern 94.468
The Castle 130.532
Circles 31.838
Kerplunk! 17.400
Rockets 24.439
Platforming 79.076

Ride The Wave: 16.520
Tree Skipping: 32.198
and for Circus: Ignore the ball at the beginning. You can get up the 2nd ledge without it.
Time in jelly car:catapult

I have you all beat in the catapult level. I beat it in 6.360 seconds if you want the proof I'll send you the picture.
I have had it for 4 days now but yet to play it. Other games have my attention at the moment.
Managed to beat you on two of them =)

Ski Jump: 17.160
Kerplunk: 12.920

My other times =

Tree Skipping: 30.758
Beware the Spikes: 53.322
The Cavern: 57.923
Crusher: 15.120

Was playing this with my friend in the parking lot last time trying to kill time.
I just did Catapult in 9.080 :) First time beating it, too. I had tried to bounce the car over the ledge a couple times but finally got it to work by shrinking the car at the right time. Thanks for the hint! I doubt I could do this time again, though.

I'd like to beat it the legitimate way. I had best success catapulting up through the yellow platforms, rather than across to the right and up past the obstacles. Still could never get from the last yellow block platform to the blue to transport down to the goal, though. I'm going to keep trying to do it the "legit" way.
I need an email so I can send the picture off my phone. Otherwise I can't get the picture on this site or as an attatchment

Email it to yourself then. I'm sure you have a computer or have access to one.

Pictures or it didn't happen!


EDIT: Forgot, I've beaten all the levels except Catapult, times posted below:

Tree skipping: 36.879
The Factory: 86.072
Circus: 129.611 (can't seem to stay on the ball)
The Cavern: 95.987
Ride the Wave: 30.918
Ski jump: 17.400
The Castle: 110.419
Kerplunk!: 16.240
Platforming: 134.496
Circles: 53.802
Rockets: 35.398
Beware the Spikes: 52.122
Crusher: 48.601
Easy Start: 10.000 (on the old version, faster car can't seem to beat it that fast)
Catapult 9.400 :D
Tree Skipping 31.278
Easy Start 12.000
The Factory 84.273
Crusher 26.719
Beware the Spike 53.042
Circus 60.164
Ride the Wave 32.678
Ski Jump 19.360
The Cavern 83.074
The Castle 131.973
Circles 59.443
Kerplunk! 16.080
Rockets 51.722
Platforming 85.513
Heh, I believe the catapult times now.



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Just done it

After trying for so long to get to the end of catapult, i've done it in 8.740 seconds if i remember correctly, will post a screen shot when my macbook finishes fixing its OS :eek:
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