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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2010
Does anyone know the name of the app that Steve Jobs demonstrated during WWDC that was like the Jenga game of removing blocks from a tower. The app took advantage of the new iOS4 and iPhone 4 hardware.

If I remember correctly the app was called "Blocks" and it was developed by Apple to show off the gyro at the keynote. Hopefully they will make it available to the general public, cool little game.
It's not available. He said it was something the software devs cooked up for him real quick to show of the gyro in the phone.

Now we need gyro enabled apps!
the game is called jenga i think thats spelled right and the devs made it for the wwdc
It looks like a Jenga like game. From what I understand that was just a demo and not a real game. Apple developed it internally just to show off the gyroscope since no developers outside of Apple had access of the phone to test the gyroscope.
The game would require an iPad/computer to display the jenga stack, as the iPhone was merely being used to represent an individual brick.
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