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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 24, 2002
The West Loop

This'll probably get me spammed into oblivion by forum notices, but, there is an opening at my company in San Jose in the Web Solutions area (Inter, Intra and Extranet)

I myself am the Intranet Program Manager, so I'm very close to the situation - the successful candidate would be working with me quite a bit.

I'll post the more detailed description and $$ when I get it, but for your consideration in the mean time (and to get resumes polished) I'll spill some beans now. All of us can discuss, then I hope to speak to a number of you on the phone, a sort of pre-screening. I'll do it is such a way so that noone here will now who I've talked to in this way and who I have not, to keep things fair.

We are looking for a person:

-Experienced in Web Graphic Design (Print is adequate)
-Understands the page design process, but is open-minded to other methods
-Has experience in Java, HTML, any experience in the Vignette toolset is a HUGE plus.
-Can work face-to-face with internal clients, stand on the technical-business fence
-Consulting, freelence, or independant contracting experience are huge plusses here too.

Note the this position is for on-site in San Jose California. If you are local to the San Francisco Bay area, great! otherwise, please be ready to consider relocation. Oh, and this is most assuredly not an entry-level position - you will be asked to hit the ground running is a very dynamic and challenging environment.

We work in a Windows-client environment, though we're VERY open minded (lot's of AIX and Linux on the back-end). In fact, we do whatever we can to avoid vendor-lock-in, even in Operating Systems.

Ok, lay your q's on me ;)
Too bad that it's in California (I'm in Michigan), and that I don't know Java :(

I have a LOT of HTML/CSS, web design, and print experience, and work with Vignette on a daily basis (I currently work for the State of Michigan (, creating, maintaining, and editing content to be accessible for people who have disabilities).

I also do my own freelance work.

What a bummer :(
Great, where were you when I was in Ohio.... Oh, I'm still in Ohio.

California has the best jobs. Grr... I have all those qualifications and more.
I'm not qualified for the position, nor am I looking to move to Cali right now, but I did want to say that I think it's great that you're posting the position here. It'd be nice if more MR members whose companies were hiring would do the same!
I might have qualified.. barely.. but it sounds like you'll get people better than I.

I'm more of a programmer I guess - Java, C++, embedded RTOS stuff, bit of electronics background.. new grad with Master's degree. Looking for work - am in Canada but would consider the US too.

Let me know if anyone has any ideas for me ;)
jsw said:
...I think it's great that you're posting the position here...


I'm happy to - in fact this is the first place I've turned. I've found that Mac users tend to be far better collegues than those without such the breadth of knowledge.

It's funny though, I've never seen a job posting here, I had to check with Mr. Anderson to see if it was ok.
notjustjay said:
I might have qualified.. barely.. but it sounds like you'll get people better than I.


That's a heck of a way to start a conversation! ;)

What kind of Graphic design experience do you have?


I forgot to mention something. One of the many really great things about working here is that I am encouraged to bring my personal passions to the table as well. My 'day job' requires me to manage a 3gb Intranet for 30,000 employees, but I also actively use my photography, videography, music and other passions as part of my job (for rich content)

Let me tell you, using stuff I love at work is really heartwarming.
I know java (servlet & jsp), I know html/dhtml, I don't know Vignette.... And I am looking for a job like that. But too bad it's in the US, and I live in the UK
hanxu said:
I know java (servlet & jsp), I know html/dhtml, I don't know Vignette.... And I am looking for a job like that. But too bad it's in the US, and I live in the UK


That is too bad. We would have had a good conversation. For your information, Vignette is a company that has several tools in it's repetoir, VAP (Vignette Application Portal) is what we use for your page serving, and it's primarily JSP.
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