Veronica and I are trying this new fad called, uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yawg-ing, it might be a soft J. I'm not sure, but apparently you just run for an extendeded period of time. It's supposed to be wild.
With Nike banding up with iPod, I was wondering what kind of good jogging headphones there are out there. I'm just looking for a bang for your buck type deal, or whatever headphones you guys use. Ever since I quit basketball, I've been meaning to stay in shape, and I want to get back into running. To stay in shape and all. That's a given.. that's a given..
With Nike banding up with iPod, I was wondering what kind of good jogging headphones there are out there. I'm just looking for a bang for your buck type deal, or whatever headphones you guys use. Ever since I quit basketball, I've been meaning to stay in shape, and I want to get back into running. To stay in shape and all. That's a given.. that's a given..