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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 5, 2012
So I live in an apartment with a roommate and my desktop does not have a wi-fi adapter nor anything that can connect to wi-fi signals on its own. Enter my Airport Express which I've noticed will have slowdowns after prolonged use, which has lead me to want to switch to using my Airport Extreme instead. However once I set the Airport Extreme to join my network, as I have with the Airport Express, it disappears from Airport Utility without connecting my PC to the internet. The strange thing is that it has connected to the network as it shows a green light and my Macbook Pro was able to see it connected to the wi-fi network.

Why does it behave differently from the express when I set the settings in the same way. I do not want to extend the network as I only want my computer to connect to it via ethernet. And before anyone asks, no I can not run a cord to the modem.


Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
Depends, the Express is very long in tooth! Plus the express should be in Bridged Mode to turn of NAT! Make sure it has NAT turned off sense it is behind another router doing NAT!
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