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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 11, 2008
The join command has always hated me, but I need to conquer it, now.

Basically, I'm using a script text but want to actually join it completely together. I used the scissors tool to cut end points, so I now have two pieces, both with open endpoints. I want to then join the two on each side so the text flows perfectly. Hopefully it's understood what I'm saying.

I've tried everything. I only select the two points I want, but they never join. I always get the error message, he stop sign with the hand.

Please help.
The points have to be directly on top of each other. It doesn't "fill in" the information between the points. It is meant to convert two end points into a single point in the middle of a line.
The points have to be directly on top of each other. It doesn't "fill in" the information between the points. It is meant to convert two end points into a single point in the middle of a line.

Hmm, I'm getting them directly on top of each other but I'm still getting the same error. I'm certain they're open endpoints as well, at least I think I am.
When I do it I get them positioned on top of each other, using the white arrow tool I drag a box around the points to select both and then hit Cmd-J and the rest is history. Not sure why it wouldn't be working for you. But it is sometimes hard to get the full picture of what is going on from forum posts.
Well, for now it looks like I solved it. I just selected everything and used add to shape area pathfinder, and now I can just edit points. This works, although I would still like to solve the join issue.
Most times you cannot join 2 paths because they are in a grouped state.
Outline the text THEN Ungroup, then you should not have the problems.
BTW, The endpoints do not have to be on top of one another, or even close for that matter. I have joined points several inches & feet apart on a regular basis.
Joining 2 Points

I think I just figured it out. If you're having trouble joinging 2 points in Illustrator, more than likely one of the 2 objects you're trying to join is a compound path. Right-click the object(s) and select "Release Compound Path." You should then be able to join the 2 points.
Maybe I am misunderstanding exactly what you are trying to do.

You say "I used the scissors tool to cut end points, so I now have two pieces, both with open endpoints. I want to then join the two on each side so the text flows perfectly."

To the best of my knowledge, that's not really the function of the "Join" command. If you have a shape that is not closed (let's say a 3-sided rectangle) you can select the points on either side of the gap and "Join" them.

However, if you have two 3-sided rectangles, you cannot select both rectangles and "Join" them. In that instance, you are better off using the Pathfinder palette to add the shapes together.

Did I totally miss what you meant?
Also, I can confirm that there is absolutely no reason that the two points would need to be directly over the top of each other to join them. In fact, if they were, and you did manage to join them, you would have a bigger headache trying to edit that shape with two anchor points so close to each other.
I think I just figured it out. If you're having trouble joinging 2 points in Illustrator, more than likely one of the 2 objects you're trying to join is a compound path. Right-click the object(s) and select "Release Compound Path." You should then be able to join the 2 points.

Yeah, it definitely sounds like a compound path conflict issue to me.

In the past, when I've wanted to join characters like that, I've simply roughed in the gap shape using the pen, then merged all the paths in the pathfinder. Then tweaked it manually. Saves having to ungroup/release.
Check Your Layers for Groups

If you're still having problems joining points in Illustrator, click the arrow of the layer you're working on so you can see everything that is in that layer. Look for any of the objects that you're trying to join with another. If you see an object in a sublayer that says "Group," you will have a problem. You can group one object to itself. To fix this, click on that object in the art board and Ungroup it. That sub layer should now say "Path" in the layers palet. You should now be able to join the paths of the objects. Note, if the other object is a "Group," you will have to follow the same steps on it.
I love the layers palette, it is my first and last resource within illustrator and so many people i have worked with don't even have it open! I don't get how you can think you know what is happening within the drawing without it?! Maybe i'm just really fussy!
never really needed this

I love the layers palette, it is my first and last resource within illustrator and so many people i have worked with don't even have it open! I don't get how you can think you know what is happening within the drawing without it?! Maybe i'm just really fussy!

I been using illustrator for 10 years now and I never really bothered with the layers feature I always resorted to groups of things, but now started using it in the past year and wonder why I never did....
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