'tis true. Well the police suspect it was junkies looking for quick cash. I dont live in the greatest neighborhood in cleveland and when I went to take a shower yesterday during halftime of a world cup game they came in through the window grabbed the tower and monitor only, not the cords, router or modem and took off.
My three dogs, one geratric, one a puppy, and one loopy because shes on benedryll for allergies were not much help.
Anyways, they will be getting a check from the insurance company in the range of $500 -$800(the pcs worth after running the insurance companies gauntlet) and cannot really afford to spend too much beyond that on a simple mac that will do internet, email...the basics.
I thought an imac g5 or g4 would be ideal. Or a mac mini would be very cost effective.
Anyways, they will be getting a check from the insurance company in the range of $500 -$800(the pcs worth after running the insurance companies gauntlet) and cannot really afford to spend too much beyond that on a simple mac that will do internet, email...the basics.
I thought an imac g5 or g4 would be ideal. Or a mac mini would be very cost effective.