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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 8, 2005
I was just wondering what you all thought of these.... thanls for any feedback. :) Constructive criticism would be much appreiciated.
I know these shots are not too good at all but... meh. :)


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macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
It's not that I'm a good photographer. I don't know what I'm doing, either. ;) I'm also still learning.

However, I have to ask you what you're actually taking a photo of? Why am I even looking at a sidewalk, or a rock with a plant beside it, or a poll and power lines? I do think the colours in that 4th photo (the one with the power lines) is "interesting," and the 1st photo is cool as well (although slightly overexposed, possibly (?) ).

And you're making it hard for youself when you take a photo like #5 with the rock and flower, because the flowers are in the shadow, and the rock is in a light area, so when you take the photo, you run the risk of overexposing the rock, and underexposing parts of the plant where it's dark. I'm not saying to avoid taking those photos altogether,'s what I do! :p I can't edit in Photoshop since I don't know how.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
I like the shadow pic, and I LOVE the sidewalk w/ crack. It made my eyes wander right away, before I'd even given it any thought, to wherever the crack might be leading! I'm a real n00b as far as photography goes, but for some reason, the sidewalk pic makes me think of motion. Maybe because of the crack, maybe because sidewalks are something you walk on...anyway, it got lots of images and associations going on in my mind right away.

Edit - Oh, and the hole - - it makes me wonder if the crack was actually the trail of some small animal that came from / went into the hole.

I like the balance as well, but I really don't know anything about balance or composition - I just like it.


macrumors 604
Sep 11, 2004
Canberra, Australia
Some of them do have some interesting tonal and shape qualities, however I kind of agree with Abstract. You need more of a "subject". If you do this I'm sure you'll produce some excellent shots! :)


I really like shots like these - I'm not sure the 'plant and rock' or the 'white bush' one work so well as they don't so much of a pattern or composition, but the shadow over the pavement one and the crack one do, in my opinion.

The colours in the telegraph pole one are gorgeous - not your cliched sunset colours and it's a nice shot too.
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