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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 10, 2010
Well, I got a lot of good help with Printing from the IPAD here over the last few days. I was hoping when I bought it that it would be like a "tablet pc". It had connectivity, plenty of storage, mail, even interface with Idisk and dropbox. But as much as I travel, not being able to print directly from the IPAD to a networked printer away from my own network without some helper software or workaround has relegated this device to my arm chair at home.

I bought and tried out several apps, and if I was just wanting to print to my own network printer, I could do it with some background software with absolutely no problem. but I cannot carry a dedicated usb key or ask othere to install software for me to print off their machine or servers.

So, until printing is available without all this stuff attached, I am going back to my old MBP on the road, and the IPAD can go on vacations with me.

Just a small rant for an otherwise fine apple product
well, I can..but then..that's always another step. As I said in my other thread when looking for an app, I really did not research the IPAD for what it couldn't do, just what it could. I really like it, but it's not a "tablet computer", and I should have expected that
Your post made me reread the description of PrintCentral, which I've been dithering about buying. I see now that you do need to install their server software on your networked computer in order to use attached printers. Wi-Fi printers seem not to need the server software, but that does no good if you aren't near your own printer or in a place where one is available.

I imagine you could use Dropbox though to access any of your files from any computer with their web interface. But I agree that isn't the same as just being able to print from the iPad.

I am sure I read that Apple is planning a printing solution for the iPad. I hope it comes soon, and I hope it is usable for those who travel without their own printer.
well, I can..but then..that's always another step. As I said in my other thread when looking for an app, I really did not research the IPAD for what it couldn't do, just what it could. I really like it, but it's not a "tablet computer", and I should have expected that

It's Not advertised as a tablet computer. It's advertised as a portable device, in which case could you ever print from a phone or portable gaming console?
It's Not advertised as a tablet computer. It's advertised as a portable device, in which case could you ever print from a phone or portable gaming console?

You are correct, and in the other thread I started about getting printing help, I did hold myself responsible for not doing my homework

And In my business where paper still has to be traded, printing diectly to a networked printer in an efficient manner is desireable and necessary.

So, my rant is as much about me as it is about the IPAD. I like the device, as I said, it's just not useful for my businesses. I cannot take adequate notes with either a stylus or my finger, and then not well. Again, the research is still burdenable to me. If it printed directly, and was able to adequately be used for note taking, It would be perfect for us and i would order about thirty tomorrow. As it is, I am happy to use it as a personal entertainment center.
It's not confirmed but there was a story posted earlier that hinted that printing would be coming to iPad:

Bit convoluted, but works for me...

  1. On iPad, email doc to self (or save as draft).
  2. Use VNC to access your home computer.
  3. Access mail on home computer and load doc into Word or whatever.
  4. Print!

Scares the bejeezus out my missus when the printer myteriously starts up for no apparent reason and I'm at work!
Try "print n share", direct printing to most wi-fi printers.

I printed some results for him from PnS.

It isn't what you think it is going to do, and they themselves tell you you will get better results using WePrint.

IrishVixen is using PnS with PDFs of her docs, and that seems to work better than trying to say, "i need to print this numbers document".

Here is hoping there is something that can make this work better....

I printed some results for him from PnS.

It isn't what you think it is going to do, and they themselves tell you you will get better results using WePrint.

IrishVixen is using PnS with PDFs of her docs, and that seems to work better than trying to say, "i need to print this numbers document".

Here is hoping there is something that can make this work better....

Guess I just got lucky, i have an Epson printer that connected directly over wifi and printed Docs2Go documents without any problems.
Guess I just got lucky, i have an Epson printer that connected directly over wifi and printed Docs2Go documents without any problems.

And the text printed ok? The text stuff i tried over wifi looked like garbage - like my old imagewriter on draft/fast! LOL!! The stuff i print thru the weprint server looks great though!
Yeah, I'd like to see printing support very soon because the current solutions are not ideal. I'm crossing fingers that it will sneak into 4.0 or 4.1....whatever they are going to release for the iPad in the fall.
How about any Nokia Symbian S60 device, or even most Windows Mobile devices?

Yeah.. my daughter has a little app ( JetCet) on her HTC Pure windoze mobile and she prints to whatever she can connect to. Id love for something like this to be engineered for the IPAD
Guess I just got lucky, i have an Epson printer that connected directly over wifi and printed Docs2Go documents without any problems.

I do suspect Docs2Go is going to have fewer issues with formatting than Pages will--for the simple fact that Pages really isn't playing nice with any other apps, desktop or iOS. It's a beautiful app, but it's not what I'd call a functional one--I never would've bought it, but my husband buys anything with an Apple logo on it, so I have it at my disposal to play with. LOL

Of course, Docs2Go has its issues too--very poor external keyboard support is my sticking point. I find that just appalling in an Office type app. So far, I can't find an ideal app in that category, and it just amazes me, because the need is very real if this device is ever to be taken seriously as a production device, rather than consumption-only.
ePrint in the App Store. I use it and Epson iPrint.

ePrint only appears to work with wireless printers, not those tethered to a PC/Mac. That may be fine for home, but may not work so well for travel. Can you confirm if it works with a USB-based setup?
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