I just picked up online a Mac Pro MB871LL/A. It was an open box so it was $1450. I will have to take a look at it before I pick it up locally. It seemed like an ok deal to hold me over until I buy the next Mac Pro when it is released. I just didn't know if I could wait until the end of the year.
I want to make this a good photoshop machine, but I don't want to waste money on it if I decide to buy a new Mac Pro later this year. IE, I want to transfer my hard drives and whatever else I can to my new Mac Pro. I guess RAM won't transfer.
It only comes with 3gb of RAM. What would be a good upgrade for me that wouldn't be a waste of money? And what about a RAID O boot drive? I have an intel 128GB SSD already, so should I use that as a scratch drive? And buy two more OWC SSD for a RAID 0 Boot Drive?
It looks like the case of the 2009 Mac Pro is similar to the 2010 case. Also how can I plug in 2 x 24" Apple cinema's? I noticed it only has 1 mini display port. Thanks!
I want to make this a good photoshop machine, but I don't want to waste money on it if I decide to buy a new Mac Pro later this year. IE, I want to transfer my hard drives and whatever else I can to my new Mac Pro. I guess RAM won't transfer.
It only comes with 3gb of RAM. What would be a good upgrade for me that wouldn't be a waste of money? And what about a RAID O boot drive? I have an intel 128GB SSD already, so should I use that as a scratch drive? And buy two more OWC SSD for a RAID 0 Boot Drive?
It looks like the case of the 2009 Mac Pro is similar to the 2010 case. Also how can I plug in 2 x 24" Apple cinema's? I noticed it only has 1 mini display port. Thanks!
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