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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 28, 2008
I just purchased a brand new 24" 3ghz imac off of apple's website last week, and I received it on tuesday. I've been a PC user all of my life and let me just say this computer is far superior to any computer I've built.

The display is so sharp and clear I can only run it at 30% brightness otherwise it hurts my eyes! It takes up absolutely no space, its the same width as my 24" dell monitor and there's a computer inside it as well...its unbelievable.

I always liked OS X, but having my own computer with it installed makes me love it even more. Widgets where have you been all my life? This computer has exceeded all of my expectations.

I guess I only have 2 complaints. Mine came with a stuck pixel, that kinda sucks but what are you gonna do. And the mouse is awful. I can see how its good for just normal use and I could see myself getting used to it, but I just went out and bought a microsoft mouse because I'm so much more used to them.

If you asked me 2 or 3 years ago that I would own an imac I would have laughed at you, then punched you in the balls (okay not really). I don't have anything against apple I just always thought imacs were a joke. I see that lately this is not the case as this computer is a powerhouse and so far there I have no regrets with my purchase!
How long did shipping take?

I ordered a 24" from our local (Brighton) Apple Reseller last Wednesday. I'm hoping to get a call tomorrow or Tuesday.
I ordered it on sunday, and it shipped on monday, got the 2 day shipping so I had it on wednesday. Pretty sweet =).
Welcome. I also just purchased my second iMac and I must say that I love it!!
As for your stuck pixel... there are several ways you can possibly get it 'unstuck'. One is to massage the area, the other is to go to a website that purports to help with it. Google stuck pixel and see. Can't hurt.

Also, the second day shipping is really a good deal. By far, the cheapest I have seen from any company I have dealt with besides Zappos.

More and more people i know are considering macs because of the ease of use and their perceived reliability. And Apple's customer services is also very good.

Again, Welcome to the Cult. The Kool-Aid is delicious. :)
Yeah I read up on the massaging and unstuck programs but I'm not feeling so great about pushing hard against the glass on my monitor, and the programs just seem like a gimmick.
Congrats on the purchase. I would recommend you getting familiar with all the shortcuts. Download apps like adium, quicksilver, quickshare, and growl. They're all really nice.
Yeah I've got a friend who always buys macs and hes giving me some tips on what programs to download and answering any questions I have. But I've used linux extensively and I'm figuring everything out pretty easily.
I've scrapped my plans to buy an MBP and got a 24" iMac instead. And yes, I instantly fell in love with it. The display, the design, everything is just so beautiful.
Yeah I've got a friend who always buys macs and hes giving me some tips on what programs to download and answering any questions I have. But I've used linux extensively and I'm figuring everything out pretty easily.
As I always tell people, if you've used a computer, you should be able to get to grips with a Mac in no time. It's intuitive, so if you're used the convoluted way Windows works, the natural methods of a Mac will be a cinch.
After many years of using my iMac G5, I've finally upgraded. I was going to upgrade when Apple first introduced the aluminum iMacs. I ordered a top of the line 24" when they were released, but canceled the order before it shipped after I saw one in the store. Didn't like the glossy screen.

Had to buy a new computer in order to run Windows better to access my dictations at the hospital. Ended up getting a 24" iMac 2.8 GHz. I love it. Super quick, and the glossy screen doesn't present too much of a problem in my home. I think I exaggerated the downside of a glossy screen (yes, I admit I was wrong!). The screen actually looks nice.

I'm surprised how fast Windows Vista runs through VMWare Fusion on this thing. It ran pretty quickly with the standard 2 GB RAM that came with it, but runs even faster now that I upgraded it to 4 GB with some memory from Crucial.
Well, i'm in love. Within half an hour all my files are ready and everything is set up. I agree rigid, the mouse had to go. This wireless keyboard is going to take some getting used to, too. I still can't quite believe i have a machine this BIG (it's huge!) sat on my desk.
"I've scrapped my plans to buy an MBP and got a 24" iMac instead."

Interesting comment. I own a MBP and just purchased a 20" iMac for my business. We run a mobile sound company...weddings, Christmas front of house and backline for bands, corporate presentations, etc.

Up until this point we have used the MBP setups with external drives for the music and recording. That setup gets expensive and cluttered (with power cords and FW cords) for the drives, and a second drive for redundancy in case of crash during show...a total mess of cords, ESPECIALLY when we are recording bands.

Bought the iMac and put a 1TB internal drive and put the music libraries and necessary Final Cut and Logic programs...and for about two thousand less dollars, I have a helluva lot quicker, more efficient, and tidier setup than I ever did with the Mac Book Pros! I bought the iLugger HD case for the iMac, so now it's portable! Also, we can secure the internal drives so they cannot be copied. External drives are now ONLY for backup purposes.

The iMac is an incredible computer. My Mac Pro is neglected because of the iMac's capabilities. Love it!

Have had mine for just about 4 months now and really am starting to use its features as college is in full swing again.

welcome to the club, i've enjoyed my ride thus far, hope you do too!
I haven't yet ordered mine, but will do this month hopefully. As for your gripes with the mouse, i would recommend the Logitech S530 for Mac. It's not cheap, but very comfortable to use, with lots of hot keys and a very comfortable mouse. I can tell you this from personal experience, having bought one about a year ago to use with my iMac G4 (soon to be replaced however), and plan to keep using it with the new iMac. If you want a different option, you can get the Logitech MX610 mouse, which is very similar to the mouse that comes with the S530 package and which i think should work with the Mac, but won't match the colour. Another alternative is the Microsoft Arc mouse, which is very stylish, but perhaps is designed more for notebooks.
Oh dear - mine has developed The Hum. Back it goes. That's the 2 faulty computers from 2 different companies (Dell being the other) in 1 month.

I'm just wondering what a computer free life would be like.
I ordered mine, iMac 2.8, etc from my signature
ave waited 5 days already, and its doing my head in

But, saved 25% by buying through a reseller instead of from Apple shop, so am ok to wait

Just reading up on it all and ripping my movies to use with the Apple TV I bought, and preparing for the big change - cant wait!!!
I've had mine for a week now. The MacMini goes to She Who Must Be Obeyed. Old Pentium 4 goes to the junkpile (after being cloned with Parallels Transporter)

I also can't stand the mouse and am using my old Logitech cordless. I am mixed on the keyboard -- I really love my buckling spring keyboard but it doesn't have any USB ports, so I said I'll try the apple keyboard for a month and then see.

Oh, its a 24", 3.06 Ghz, 500GB
I'm really tempted to splash out on a 4GB ram, 1TB hard drive 24" but the condensation issue has really put me off. Since my folks would be paying for it, it would give them much confidence if I had to get it replaced within the first month.

I'm going to wait for the new macbook pros until it's all officially over, which could be some time as I've heard Apple are pretty reluctant to fix it.

Or has this since been fixed?
Congrats to those who just purcharsed an iMac.

I have been a PC user for many years, myself. But this year Apple really has caught my eye. Needless to say, I have been drooling over a 24" 3.06 iMac since they refreshed earlier this year. I've got the money, but I'm holding out for the next update... whenever that may be. Hopefully sooner then later, but I'm not holding my breath. I might reconsider that if Febuarary comes around and nothing new has happened yet!

Just so I don't get the urge to buy early, I might just poor that 2k into Apple stock :apple: (low at the moment) and make a little extra money when they go back up...:cool:
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