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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2013
I've got a Time Capsule on a Western Digital Passport that I used with my 2011 MacBook Pro. The computer has since crapped out, so I bought a new MacBook Pro off of FaceBook Market, restored it to factory defaults, etc.

Now the problem is that this Passport ONLY has FireWire ports. I can only find FireWire to Thunderbolt 1 adapters anywhere and nothing from FireWire to USB-C. Is here any solution to this or am I screwed and all my old data is lost?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
OP wrote:
"I've got a Time Capsule on a Western Digital Passport that I used with my 2011 MacBook Pro"
and then wrote:
"Now the problem is that this Passport ONLY has FireWire ports"

Wait a minute.
Stop right there.

I've never owned a time capsule, but if I'm not mistaken, they only have USB ports (and not firewire), right?

If that's the case, you need the appropriate connecting cable.
I'm thinking that the time capsule probably has a USB-a style port.
Then, get an adapter dongle like this:

Take a pic of the drive's connecting port and post it here.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2013
OP wrote:
"I've got a Time Capsule on a Western Digital Passport that I used with my 2011 MacBook Pro"
and then wrote:
"Now the problem is that this Passport ONLY has FireWire ports"

Wait a minute.
Stop right there.

I've never owned a time capsule, but if I'm not mistaken, they only have USB ports (and not firewire), right?

If that's the case, you need the appropriate connecting cable.
I'm thinking that the time capsule probably has a USB-a style port.
Then, get an adapter dongle like this:

Take a pic of the drive's connecting port and post it here.

Sorry, I may have misspoke. It's not the Time Capsule that Apple made, it's a Western Digital Passport that I have a time machine backup on. It only has 2 FireWire ports.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2013
My old Mac actually decided to come back from the dead anyway, so I was just able to transfer everything. But now I have a different issue. The computer still shows that it can be tracked using the seller's AppleID in Find My Mac. He said he tried to remove it on his side but it's still showing up there too.

If anyone can help me with this issue as well, that'd be cool.
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