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macrumors newbie
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Dec 10, 2006
I just got my mom a 32gb Wifi only iPad for her birthday. She said it was the best gift ever. This morning, she sent me a text message and said it's very convenient. She could surf safari by her bedside and there's no need to turn on the mac mini and 42" TV.

I just wonder if she could say the same thing if I got her a macbook. Would she have more use out of that instead. Still scratching my head on the whole iPad vs. macbook comparison. I know what the differences are and what the iPad can't do. But for her use, I hope it satisfies 75% of her needs. for the other 25%, there's always the mac mini (like downloading movies).
Love my iPad so much. Am actually supposed to be reading my university PDF readings on it as we speak but I have been thinking along the same kind of lines for my Pa for Christmas. My whole family is on Facebook, flickr, msn etc and he feels like he doesn't get to see what's going on with his 6 grand kids but He has never had a computer and is affriad of breaking it. He doesn't need anything powerful and a prepay micro sim and a 3G model will save me the hastle of setting up the net for him. Congrats on such a great gift :)
I'm thinking about getting my mother an iPad too! I'm pretty sure she'd love it :D

ipad is really amazing gadget for no matter entertainment or other using...i have the same idea with you, but i have no ability on buying it,,it is a great pity.
I'm also looking at getting my mom an iPad. She is turning 80 and while she has used a computer before, she never has been totally comfortable with it. I think the iPad could be just the ticket to fill that gap and make her not be afraid of it.

We shall see.
I picked up one for my mom with the initial release, and she loves it. She's never owned an Apple product, but her and my father helped me with my Mac purchases in the 80's and some of the 90's, so I thought it was my turn to return the favor. She's no loner "chained" to her desk, using a 10 year old PC to check emails and play online games. Now she can sit anywhere in her house, surf the web, send emails, play games, use Youtube... She uses it daily, and that's amazing since she opened the box the first time and said "I don't know what this is."

It feels good to give someone a gift like this, and watch them get use of it, and truly enjoy it.
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