I just got my mom a 32gb Wifi only iPad for her birthday. She said it was the best gift ever. This morning, she sent me a text message and said it's very convenient. She could surf safari by her bedside and there's no need to turn on the mac mini and 42" TV.
I just wonder if she could say the same thing if I got her a macbook. Would she have more use out of that instead. Still scratching my head on the whole iPad vs. macbook comparison. I know what the differences are and what the iPad can't do. But for her use, I hope it satisfies 75% of her needs. for the other 25%, there's always the mac mini (like downloading movies).
I just wonder if she could say the same thing if I got her a macbook. Would she have more use out of that instead. Still scratching my head on the whole iPad vs. macbook comparison. I know what the differences are and what the iPad can't do. But for her use, I hope it satisfies 75% of her needs. for the other 25%, there's always the mac mini (like downloading movies).