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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 14, 2007
I just hooked up my new ATV the other day and did the ATV Patchstick mod. I havent selected the Boxee Upgrade option yet though. Right now everything seems to want to work good except the transfer speed. In my apartment I access the internet thru a free wireless signal. At least I hope its the free one (there are about 5 unsecure servers listed). I get decent connection speeds for basic internet use, but the sync from my iMac to ATV takes several hours for 1- 2 gig movie. Add that to the couple hours of handbrake converting and its really a pain. I have 6 meg DSL on order and will be getting the included 2wire wireless DSL router/modem. Will my transfer speeds increase since I am in control of the router and the only user?

Also, I have never been able to successfully network my macbook and iMac using the community wireless. Is this due to settings on the router that I can not alter?
I just hooked up my new ATV the other day and did the ATV Patchstick mod. I havent selected the Boxee Upgrade option yet though. Right now everything seems to want to work good except the transfer speed. In my apartment I access the internet thru a free wireless signal. At least I hope its the free one (there are about 5 unsecure servers listed). I get decent connection speeds for basic internet use, but the sync from my iMac to ATV takes several hours for 1- 2 gig movie. Add that to the couple hours of handbrake converting and its really a pain. I have 6 meg DSL on order and will be getting the included 2wire wireless DSL router/modem. Will my transfer speeds increase since I am in control of the router and the only user?

Also, I have never been able to successfully network my macbook and iMac using the community wireless. Is this due to settings on the router that I can not alter?

i would guess your sync issues are b/c of a slow connection. you're probably just far enough away that it's not a strong signal. how many bars show up on the airport icon in the top right corner of your imac?

your speeds will increase for sure. :)
It does show full bars on airport signal display. Could it just be lag through the router if others are using it as well?

How long should it normally(for you guys) take to;
Load an average length youtube vid?
Snyc a 1(or 2) gig movie from mac to ATV?
I would think the problem is it's probably a "G" router. I had one with apple tv originally and syncing was stupidly slow so I didn't bother. Once I got a Extreme Base Station it takes 5 mins to sync 2gb, I would suggest that's the problem as internet works fine on "G".
It does show full bars on airport signal display. Could it just be lag through the router if others are using it as well?

How long should it normally(for you guys) take to;
Load an average length youtube vid?
Snyc a 1(or 2) gig movie from mac to ATV?

I sync my movies in twos or threes normally. For example I synced three new movies last night each around 2 gigs and it took maybe 20-30 minutes using a "G" router. Doesn't bother me very much because I only sync movies I plan to keep for awhile, streaming movies (iMac to ATV) works great for me so I don't sync that much.
Wireless G

Yep, took me a day and a half to transfer my library to it. Gotta love G.

Can you set the AppleTV to have a static IP?? I've never checked, honestly. If so, you could go buy/make a cross over cable and assign your mac and the AppleTV a static IP in the same subnet. From there, it should transfer your media pretty fast.
Yep, took me a day and a half to transfer my library to it. Gotta love G.

Can you set the AppleTV to have a static IP?? I've never checked, honestly. If so, you could go buy/make a cross over cable and assign your mac and the AppleTV a static IP in the same subnet. From there, it should transfer your media pretty fast.

You can use Ethernet if the speed is bothering you that much. That should decrease the time to transfer and shouldn't be much of a problem once you have the atv synced (doesn't need to be connected to TV to receive data)
I wish I could use ethernet but im on free wifi. I'll just have to wait for DSL later this week. I wish I didnt order the 2wire wireless dsl modem from at&t though. I believe its only a 'G'. I might just send it back and buy a DSL modem and get my own 'N' router.
I wish I could use ethernet but im on free wifi. I'll just have to wait for DSL later this week. I wish I didnt order the 2wire wireless dsl modem from at&t though. I believe its only a 'G'. I might just send it back and buy a DSL modem and get my own 'N' router.

you can connect the atv directly to the imac via ethernet - no crossover cable needed. this is what i do whenever i need to sync content to the atv.
you can connect the atv directly to the imac via ethernet - no crossover cable needed. this is what i do whenever i need to sync content to the atv.

Nice... that answers my question. Wasn't sure if it require crossover or not. Will it also do DHCP? Or do you have to static?

Well, after almost a week with my new ATV, I am fairly impressed. But, I am really considering taking it back and just use my macbook with a pinnacle HDTV stick and a mini-DVI to HDMI cable for all my needs. I think I might like the amount of direct control using the macbook instead. I really cant think of any down sides to just using a laptop instead. I'll have frontrow with my entire library there & any movies/shows I need wont have to be converted and sync'd after downloading. Plus the pinaacle HDstick comes with the rabbit ears for picking up the digital signal from OTA stations.
Nice... that answers my question. Wasn't sure if it require crossover or not. Will it also do DHCP? Or do you have to static?

It's really fast when you just connect let's say a MacBook and AppleTV via ethernet, it took me maybe 5mins tops to transfer 3movies from my AppleTV to my MacBook. This was at college where our data limit was capped and it was friggen slow in the dorm rooms and sucked ass to download, like 4hours. When I had it back home it maybe took 10mins tops? I have 2Wire modem with AT&T DSL.
I have 2Wire modem with AT&T DSL.

There's what I needed. So you probably would need a crossover cable, UNLESS you had a router/modem combo, like your 2wire modem (which is, as you know now) a router as well.

A crossover cable would be used if you directly connect your mac with your ATV. Question still remains if you can setup a static IP address on the ATV if you are directly connected.

It's probably a moot point by now :)
I'm not sure about the static ID. I'll check it out in the next couple days. Right now I'm stuck trying to load Boxee on my ATV. Maybe I'm just stupid or something but I can't get it to work. :rolleyes:
Well, after almost a week with my new ATV, I am fairly impressed. But, I am really considering taking it back and just use my macbook with a pinnacle HDTV stick and a mini-DVI to HDMI cable for all my needs. I think I might like the amount of direct control using the macbook instead. I really cant think of any down sides to just using a laptop instead. I'll have frontrow with my entire library there & any movies/shows I need wont have to be converted and sync'd after downloading. Plus the pinaacle HDstick comes with the rabbit ears for picking up the digital signal from OTA stations.

I know this is an old post (I was looking for some slow appletv answers) but what are you going to do for sound? The sound does not go over that adapter setup.
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