Ok i just bought a 1st generation 8gb iphone off of ebay. It said it was unlocked and jailbroken with 2.2 firmware. When i got the iphone, everything seemed like it worked alright.
So i figured i'de put in my tmobile simcard and be on my way. But instead it is giving me "Different Sim Detected" please connect to itunes with the itunes logo and i can only make an emergency call.
I didn't want to get all deep into iphone hacking and the like, but now it seems like i'm going to have to. Can anyone help me out?
Why is it not accepting my tmobile simcard?
Is it safe to connect to itunes? I have itunes installed on my computer.
If i restore the phone to factory in itunes, will it brick the phone?
What are the things that i cannot do with this phone? Can i use itunes freely? Can i update itunes? Is there anything that i should know so that i don't brick this phone.
Thanks, i've been searching and searching and will continue to search after this post, but any help would be appreciated.
edit: also should i use this guide http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=1755 to unlock/jailbreak my phone again? And should i restore my phone first (if that doesn't brick it).
So i figured i'de put in my tmobile simcard and be on my way. But instead it is giving me "Different Sim Detected" please connect to itunes with the itunes logo and i can only make an emergency call.
I didn't want to get all deep into iphone hacking and the like, but now it seems like i'm going to have to. Can anyone help me out?
Why is it not accepting my tmobile simcard?
Is it safe to connect to itunes? I have itunes installed on my computer.
If i restore the phone to factory in itunes, will it brick the phone?
What are the things that i cannot do with this phone? Can i use itunes freely? Can i update itunes? Is there anything that i should know so that i don't brick this phone.
Thanks, i've been searching and searching and will continue to search after this post, but any help would be appreciated.
edit: also should i use this guide http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=1755 to unlock/jailbreak my phone again? And should i restore my phone first (if that doesn't brick it).