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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
OK, So I was rummaging around in my dad's closet looking for a band-aid and I found a camera. (this was like 5 years ago). I'm 15 now and I've been getting interested in photography and am saving up for a macbook and a DSLR. I was asleep this morning and I had a dream about this camera for some reason. So I went downstairs and went in my dad's closet and was lookign for the camera. I asked my mom if she remembered a camera being here and what happened to it. She didnt remember one and I described and and she said,"Oh, I think your dad threw it out.":eek: But I kept looking and found it. It is a Konica FS-1 and it has a lense that says," Konica Hexanon AR 50 mm F1.4 and a big removeable flash in addition to it's own that says Vivitar Auto Thyristor 2800. I put batteries in the camera and flash and they work perfectly. Now my question:

Could someone please give me some information about this camera? Does this company still exist? What could this whole package sell for? Is the lense any good and can the lense be used with any DLSR's?

I appreciate all the people who read this post and answer me. Thank You!


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
Why bother selling it. If the electronics are in order, why don't you use it and try and take some film yourself. How about black & white film and teach yourself the basics of photography. Maybe you should take it in for a service at a local camera shop.

Konica FS-1


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
I'm 15 and lookign for a job. I don't have money to be able to buy film and pay for developign and no resources to learn how to develop. Although, I may try it out a few times and see how it goes. Whadda ya know, I might become addicted. Any more info about resale price the mount for the lense?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
You can read all about it here, but as that's the first Google result I assume you know that! As it's pretty old I assume it's only of interest to collectors so perhaps a quick trip to eBay will tell you how much people will pay...


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2003
London, England
I had a fs 1 a few years ago, it was quite a good camera, there is one on ebay for about $37, 35mm equipment is very cheap now as on one wants it any more.

The lens will only fit konica 35mm cameras, so will not work with a DSLR.

If you cant afford some film for the FS1 how are you going to get a MacBook & a DSLR?

I would give the konica a try & join a local photo club, and learn the basics you might find photography isnt for you after you have spent a load on a DSLR, it also makes you think about what you shoot when you only have 36 shots on a roll of film.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Why not simply USE the camera? OK you have to buy film but the DSLR will set you back a MINIMUM of $700. You could buy like 200 rolls of film for that. 100 rools would last you a few years. Not only that but That camera and film can make bettr quality images then any current DSLR. You could try and sell te camera but it will be hard, there are so many on the market you coildn't even get $100. But it us still usable. You could actually do pprofesional quality work with this setup.

What you do is find a lab that will process the film and scan the negative. Yu don't need prints just the CDROM filled with the digital files. Use this setup for a year or so then (1) you will leran a lot about photography in the process (2) digital camera will be cheaper and better.

Film is a great way to learn. Most every intro phto class required students to use black and white film. You could too. When I was about 15 yearsold I shot B&W film that I bought in long 100 foot rolls and re-spooled onto cassets. It cost about $1 per roll that way then I processed the negs in a small "daylight tank". The equipment and supplies are really inexpensive much cheaper then even one lens for an SLR. I'd say $60 to get started. Tis is 10X cheaper then a low-end DSLR. then you scan the negs. Film is still available in 100 foot rolls as are reloadable cassets and likely will be aslong as there are photography students

If you want to get rid of it give it to the local high school for their photo class to use as a loaner camera. and take a tax deduction.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
thebiggoose said:
I'm 15 and lookign for a job. I don't have money to be able to buy film and pay for developign and no resources to learn how to develop. Although, I may try it out a few times and see how it goes. Whadda ya know, I might become addicted. Any more info about resale price the mount for the lense?
If your goal is to buy a dslr then since you're not willing to even learn how to use this 35mm slr, then you should save your pennies for a digital point and shoot. You will ultimately have to learn how to use the dslr just like you should learn to use this camera or any slr for that matter. If you haven't the means to develop (which I doubt your parents wouldn't be willing to help with a roll a week or something) then why not take the trash out for $1.00 a day and try and save up for a $3.00 roll of film + development costs?

Sorry dude, but the camera is a classic. It's not worth much, but I'd keep it if it belonged to my dad. 20 years from now when you're saving up to buy something else you don't understand how to use, you can look back at this moment and your father's camera.

But if you must sell it then ebay is your best choice.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 17, 2006
I'm defineately not going to sell it now! I'll look for a photo club and maybe some photography classes at the local community college. I'd really like to learn how to shoot. Can someone poitn me as to where to buy the black and white film and reloadable cannisters and instruction about how to do so. Thank you!


Jan 18, 2005
Maybe it's me but I'd get the DSLR first. I got a film SLR (university's) and a DSLR (myself) and I found, especially when you're just learning and practising that the Digital is miles better. Great for learning on as you can afford to make as many mistakes as you like.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
thebiggoose said:
I'm defineately not going to sell it now! I'll look for a photo club and maybe some photography classes at the local community college. I'd really like to learn how to shoot. Can someone poitn me as to where to buy the black and white film and reloadable cannisters and instruction about how to do so. Thank you!

Option #1
Go and ask at your local camera shop. They will sell you the film and maybe have a look at the camera for you. Shoot the film. Take it back to them and ask them to develop and burn the images on to cd for you. Post the good ones at MR.:)

Web resource:

Option #2
Go to local camera shop, get some advice on developing b/w film yourself. They should be able to supply you with everything. Google for more advice. Shoot the film and give it a go. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy and you have control over your negatives. You can always get the shop to scan the negatives for you, or if you are feeling really ambitious, print them as well. Post the good ones at MR.:)

Google terms: developing b&w film

Option #3
As ChrisA said you can always buy 100' rolls and respool. I would however just get some normal rolls first to see if you like it. I can't find these anywhere here in Denmark, If I was to do this I'd have to order from England. It's not worth it for me, I don't really shoot enough film.

100' rolls sold at B & H photo

Good luck with it. Looking forward to seeing your first shots on here.:)


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
thebiggoose said:
I'm defineately not going to sell it now! I'll look for a photo club and maybe some photography classes at the local community college. I'd really like to learn how to shoot. Can someone poitn me as to where to buy the black and white film and reloadable cannisters and instruction about how to do so. Thank you!

These guys are in Hollywood. I've been in the store. Kind of a wharehouse like the Home Depot of photo supply. They sell to a lot of students and professionals, not much for the casual consumer type

Also try B&H Photo. at
This has been THE place to buy anyhting related to cameras for years, even before the Internet when we all did phone-in orders. They are a real (large) retail outlet in NY City and are honest and straightforward.

Both places are real stores that just happen to also do bussines on-line and have good reputations. They are very different places.

Should you ever when to expand the SLR system you would have to buy used equipment. KEH is a good place because they have loads of it. But they are also the most expensive. Warnning: If buying from the buy only equiment rated "EX" or better.

Go to the library and find some beginning photo books.
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