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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 19, 2015
Just Get Z is about starting at A and getting to Z, the Zenith of the game. Similar adjacent alphabets are combined to get the next alphabet in the series at the tap of a finger. The location of the new alphabet is at site where you tap the finger. Simply put, A's combine to form B's, B's to C's and so on. The target is to get Z and the higher alphabet you form, the greater your score. As you play, the lively colors on the screen brighten up your mood and the sweet music soothes your ears. Just Get Z not only amuses and entertains you, but this intriguing game stimulates your brain cells to the tee.

How to play:

Tap the adjacent same alphabets, choose a position to combine, get a new alphabet. Try to get a higher alphabet and share it with your friends!

App Store:

Google Play:

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