I was going to use Redsn0w to jailbreak today, but then I realized there was a new OS released. I read that in order to jailbreak you must first restore in iTunes. Restoring in iTunes updates to the newest version of the OS though. So how do I get around this? (and do I really need to? Sorry I know nothing about jailbreaking)
I just got this 3GS a few days ago and I'm really looking forward to JB it. It seems like a picked a bad time to be trying to do this, especially after reading up on the comments at Purplera1ns site. So please give me some advice guys! I'm a new user and I'm just trying to figure out if I should just wait for JB updates, or if I can go ahead and get this done already.
edit: does redsn0w jailbreak 3.1 effectively? i've read some comments that lead me to believe it works just fine.
I just got this 3GS a few days ago and I'm really looking forward to JB it. It seems like a picked a bad time to be trying to do this, especially after reading up on the comments at Purplera1ns site. So please give me some advice guys! I'm a new user and I'm just trying to figure out if I should just wait for JB updates, or if I can go ahead and get this done already.
edit: does redsn0w jailbreak 3.1 effectively? i've read some comments that lead me to believe it works just fine.