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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 10, 2009
I was going to use Redsn0w to jailbreak today, but then I realized there was a new OS released. I read that in order to jailbreak you must first restore in iTunes. Restoring in iTunes updates to the newest version of the OS though. So how do I get around this? (and do I really need to? Sorry I know nothing about jailbreaking)

I just got this 3GS a few days ago and I'm really looking forward to JB it. It seems like a picked a bad time to be trying to do this, especially after reading up on the comments at Purplera1ns site. So please give me some advice guys! I'm a new user and I'm just trying to figure out if I should just wait for JB updates, or if I can go ahead and get this done already.

edit: does redsn0w jailbreak 3.1 effectively? i've read some comments that lead me to believe it works just fine.
I was going to use Redsn0w to jailbreak today, but then I realized there was a new OS released. I read that in order to jailbreak you must first restore in iTunes. Restoring in iTunes updates to the newest version of the OS though. So how do I get around this? (and do I really need to? Sorry I know nothing about jailbreaking)

I just got this 3GS a few days ago and I'm really looking forward to JB it. It seems like a picked a bad time to be trying to do this, especially after reading up on the comments at Purplera1ns site. So please give me some advice guys! I'm a new user and I'm just trying to figure out if I should just wait for JB updates, or if I can go ahead and get this done already.

edit: does redsn0w jailbreak 3.1 effectively? i've read some comments that lead me to believe it works just fine.



Do NOT jailbreak to 3.1 with a 3GS. 3GS's are very secure against jailbreaking and you need to do an assortment of steps before you even think about jailbreaking.

I don't have a 3GS so I can't help beyond yelling "NO".
I'm in the same boat right now. I had a 2g iphone since it came out. Jailbreaking it was a walk in the park thanks to the dev team.

Well, this 3GS seems to be a little different. I have only had it for a couple of days now but I still haven't found the answer to my problem.

For one, 3.1 just came out yesterday, so I doubt it is cracked yet. When you find the neccesary steps, I think you will be more likely to have it work with 3.0.

If you find a solution, let us know.
This is my advice to you since 3.1 just came out. Keep your firmware at 3.0 or 3.0.1, whichever it has on it now. Do not update to 3.1 yet. Do not bother with jailbreaking with your current firmware. Just wait until the jailbreak for 3.1 comes out and there are thorough instructions before you do any changes to your phone.
i got my 3gs on saturday and i jailbroke it via redsn0w.

a very helpful user on this forum goes by the name vandam500 advised me to jailbreak and go into cydia to capture your phone info (ECID) just in case you do update to 3.1, in the near future when the jailbreak/unlock is available for the 3.1, it would be easier to unlock (if you need to unlock) with the info already captured into cydia's server. this only helps with the baseband.

i followed this site, its very easy. everything is provided in the link.

i assume you're already on 3.0.1, so you DONT have to restore. just download the following:

- redsn0w 0.8
- iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw

1. plug your iphone to your computer
2. open redsn0w
3. click on the browse button and locate "iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw"
4. click next and check CYDIA/ICY (ICY is completely up to you, since its almost the same as cydia, i checked both)
5. follow the steps it guides you through

it literally takes about 5 mins max. i did it in my car when i got out of work ready to go home. you wont lose any info because you're not doing a restore. all your apps, contacts, pictures, text, calls are untouched.

good luck.
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