It stays stuck on 4.3 and when I go to update. Your apple tv is up to date. Any way I can fix this please help.
I meant to say 4.41 how can I fix this issue.
The update appears to have temporarily been pulled, but users should be careful in applying it when it is available.
There is no 5 for the ATV2 yet. It's 4.4 or 4.4.1
IOS 5 for apple tv2 = non existent
IOS5= iPod touch 3g, iPod touch 4g, iPad, iPad 2, iPhone 3gs, iPhone4, iPhone 4s.
Mines still stuck on 4.3 as well and I can not get it to upgrade.
Same here. Just keeps saying "Your software is up to date" or whatever.
I had the same problem as y'all until 5min ago. Here's what you need to do to get it to work.
1.unplug the power cord from your Atv2(this must be unplugged or iTunes won't recognize your Atv!)
2. Using a microUSB cable, plug in to iTunes directly from your atv to computer
3.Your computer will display ur atv, click RESTORE(this will automatically download the new update even though it kept telling you it was already up to date.
4. You're done! Now in settings it'll say 4.4.1 and video mirroring will now be an option to select when u double click on the home button and scroll all the way to the left.![]()
There is no 5 for the ATV2 yet. It's 4.4 or 4.4.1