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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2008
Just have purchased the AWESOME new Mac Pro. This is what a machine:

Integrated Workflow [BAM!]
Mega Fast Ram 16gb Memory [BAM!]
SSD Drives like Thunder Light [BAM!]
And Oh, gotGraphics? How is Radeon 5770 For You [BAM!!]

:)Worth The Waiting, Thank you Apple!
I did this in 3 hours! FCPX is blazing fast on the new old Mac Pro!

This is nothing short of a revolution, thank you for sharing. I would ask about your workflow but that would be a bit like someone standing up at the end of a Houdini performance and demanding to know how he escaped.


also- this was just forwarded to me by a fellow Pro user who is pumping that 5880, insane render times meant more time for post party-in [BAM] :
Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just have purchased the AWESOME new Mac Pro. This is what a machine:

Integrated Workflow [BAM!]
Mega Fast Ram 16gb Memory [BAM!]
SSD Drives like Thunder Light [BAM!]
And Oh, gotGraphics? How is Radeon 5770 For You [BAM!!]

:)Worth The Waiting, Thank you Apple!

Unfortunately, announcing you purchased a Mac Pro in this Mac Pro forum will bring about the wrath of all the whiners that like to hang out here.

From Me.... A BIG CONGRATS! Thats Awesome! :D
I think the bitching has more to do with the lack of USB3, PCI Express 3, SATA3 and Thunderbolt.

I really don't give a rat's ass (sic!) about Thunderbolt (the wrath of Zeus notwithstanding). I can get USB3 for peanuts (I don't know about the other 2 3s). I just wish Apple had upgraded the processors! They ddi not. I still reached deep into my wallet and placed an order for a "new" 2012 2010 MP. I'm either totally screwed (they release Ivy Bridge machines in the next 6 months), or I'm a freaking winner (they don't update the MP ever again).
Lack of SATA 3 is going to limit your speeds on SSDs down the line. No thunderbolt may not be a big deal today but you will never be able to connect a Thunderbolt display or RAID array. The ancient ATI GPU is also lame. I'd rather have native USB 3 then relying on a PCI Card. The hardware you are paying a premium for today is essentially, aside from the CPUs, from 2009. Additionally we are in a time where performance can't be judged via clock speed any longer. So yes, while the perhaps 15% performance boost of 2011 CPUs would be welcomed, it's the rest of the architecture being so antiquated that has everyone annoyed.
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