What can i say.... This computer is beautiful! I am a PC user and think that this transition to Mac is going to exciting. I received my i5 27" Week 09 iMac today. Only been running it for a bit, but so far no problems , no yellow tint.. no nothing. Knock on wood it's iMaculate.
Got my MS Office installed, Wireless Printer and soon my other software.
The Better Touch Tool for the Magic Mouse is definitely recommended.
What can i say.... This computer is beautiful! I am a PC user and think that this transition to Mac is going to exciting. I received my i5 27" Week 09 iMac today. Only been running it for a bit, but so far no problems , no yellow tint.. no nothing. Knock on wood it's iMaculate.
Got my MS Office installed, Wireless Printer and soon my other software.
The Better Touch Tool for the Magic Mouse is definitely recommended.