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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 2, 2004
New Jersey
I ordered from Amazon on Sunday paid for 2nd day shipping, got it today. I had no problem with the install it went smooth. I played around with Excel ( I am a big Excel user) and I looked at Word (this is why I purchased the software) I love what they did with word. The notebook view is great for all my notes. I like to surf the net for information on different things. I can put all this information in my notebook. The formatting features look the same a Microsoft OneNote which I Beta tested. Only had a little time to play around with it but I really like it. Tomorrow I will try to switch my e-mail to Entourage. If your thinking about buying this I would recommend it.
I kept thinking about version X but I really didn't want to support MS. As many times as I've had to deal with documents from MS Office, I might as well go for true compatibility.

It's good to know that it actually works.
Sweet! Good to hear you are having a good experience with it. I am headed off to school in the fall and am thinking that the new note taking feature of word will be a great asset.

One question, can you still look at "notes" in a normal word format or is there a special format/document type they are saved as? I am asking partly because of my need to use the notes for normal word purposes and for possibly sharing with classmates who will undoubtedly be either using older versions of office or will have pc versions and I wouldn't want to lose any comptatibility with the notes feature.


- reaper
i was at the apple store at Woodfield saturday so i went ahead and got myself a Student and Teacher copy since i could really use it for school, it will make my life that much easier with the Windows boxes here at school, plus my gf has a license then too, so its all well and good.

i must say that i used version X on my friends computer, and i think 2004 is a pretty good improvement, entourage is pretty good for managing everything, i just need to figure out how to change the standard color code system to my own

the notebook feature is good, not as good as NoteTaker which i am still considering because i have extensive notes and i do a lot of writing and that program might just be better, but anyways, i think if you need office 2004 is a decent if not big step above X
reaper said:
Sweet! Good to hear you are having a good experience with it. I am headed off to school in the fall and am thinking that the new note taking feature of word will be a great asset.

One question, can you still look at "notes" in a normal word format or is there a special format/document type they are saved as? I am asking partly because of my need to use the notes for normal word purposes and for possibly sharing with classmates who will undoubtedly be either using older versions of office or will have pc versions and I wouldn't want to lose any comptatibility with the notes feature.


- reaper

You can always print then "Save as PDF" if it can't.
My favourite new feature? It doesn't keep setting the paper size to "US Letter" every time I make a new document in Word. It actually remembers to use A4 now.
7on said:
You can always print then "Save as PDF" if it can't.

Yeah, but I was thinking more for sharing and having it be in a useful format if they wanted to alter the text. I guess they could select the text in the PDF and copy into word, but I know that I myself wouldn't want to do that. I just hope there is a way to share directly as a word document, or I may have some angry classmates. :eek:

- reaper
I wish the Pro version was out because if I get Virtual PC later that will include Windows XP, it will cost at least $200 more. With the educational discount, Office Pro will be somewhere around $200 for everything or $50 dollars more than the standard Office 2004 education discounted version.

I wonder why Corel doesn't sell WordPerfect Office for the Mac. They are dead in the Windows world and they probably would have at least as big of a customer base on the Mac side since many Mac users hate Microsoft in general. Corel is stupid or perhaps they are done and eventually go out of business or survive on OEM sales with minimum staff.

Anyways, I hope to upgrade to Office 2004 when killer hyped version of Virtual PC is bundled.
BornAgainMac said:

I wonder why Corel doesn't sell WordPerfect Office for the Mac. They are dead in the Windows world and they probably would have at least as big of a customer base on the Mac side since many Mac users hate Microsoft in general. Corel is stupid or perhaps they are done and eventually go out of business or survive on OEM sales with minimum staff.

WordPerfect created a version of their word processor for Macintosh years ago. I think it was version 2.1 that finally took off but it was killed at version 3.5, due to poor sales. They even decided to give it away as a free download after that.

If they show up again, they should bring everything, including Paradox and Quattro Pro, since it's the suite that business users need.
BornAgainMac said:
I wish the Pro version was out because if I get Virtual PC later that will include Windows XP, it will cost at least $200 more. With the educational discount, Office Pro will be somewhere around $200 for everything or $50 dollars more than the standard Office 2004 education discounted version.

I wonder why Corel doesn't sell WordPerfect Office for the Mac. They are dead in the Windows world and they probably would have at least as big of a customer base on the Mac side since many Mac users hate Microsoft in general. Corel is stupid or perhaps they are done and eventually go out of business or survive on OEM sales with minimum staff.

Anyways, I hope to upgrade to Office 2004 when killer hyped version of Virtual PC is bundled.
A few years ago, Corel was developing a Java-based office productivity suite. The suite would have been cross-platform including the Mac. However, Corel was also bleeding cash. Microsoft made an "investment" in Corel. To the best of my knowledge, the terms of the agreement have not been disclosed. Rumors, however, are that one of the conditions is that Corel was to stop development on its Java-based suite, and Macintosh productivity applications in particular. It is interesting that Corel produces graphics software for the Mac, a market where the company's reception has been lukewarm at best. However, it does not produce office productivity software for the Mac, a market that's clamoring for its products.
I'm planning on buying it when I the fall semester starts again. I don't know which colleges have a program like this, but U of Iowa has a deal with Apple where students can go to the bookstore and buy they're software for extrememly cheap prices. I bought OfficeX 2 years ago for like $10. If you're in college now or starting in the fall it's definitely worth checking out before you drop over $100, or whatever it is they're charging for the regular student price.
MisterMe said:
A few years ago, Corel was developing a Java-based office productivity suite. The suite would have been cross-platform including the Mac. However, Corel was also bleeding cash. Microsoft made an "investment" in Corel. To the best of my knowledge, the terms of the agreement have not been disclosed. Rumors, however, are that one of the conditions is that Corel was to stop development on its Java-based suite, and Macintosh productivity applications in particular. It is interesting that Corel produces graphics software for the Mac, a market where the company's reception has been lukewarm at best. However, it does not produce office productivity software for the Mac, a market that's clamoring for its products.

The Java-based suite was dead years before Microsoft made their recent investment. I believe I had an early version working on Mac OS 8.x with JVM 1.0.2 when the JVM was new. It worked but just.

Corel now only produces graphics software for Macintosh due to acquisitions.
GetGo said:
...Tomorrow I will try to switch my e-mail to Entourage. If your thinking about buying this I would recommend it.

I'm still wanting to convert my iCal entries to Entourage and am curious to know if 2004 will do it <hint><hint>
I really only need one change in order to make me upgrade...

I have Mac Office v.X on my PowerBook, but I don't use it when I'm on battery power because even idling in the background it takes up 10-15% of my CPU, and I find that I get more battery life when I just use TextEdit which during use only needs 5-8% of my CPU.

Does Mac Office 2004 idle and operate more efficiently, or does it still follow the stiff MS bloat-ware guidelines?
Just thought I'd spread the joy because I just finished installing my version of Office 2004 which I received today. It has some very nice new features. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. New transitions is PowerPoint (one of them inspired by Apple's "fast user switching" I'm sure)

2. Presenter tools in PowerPoint - you can see what slide is coming up next, take notes, and see how long you've been on a certain slide while the audience just sees the presentation.

3. In Excel, you can finally see where one page stops and another starts! I've always had problems with this before - glad they fixed it.

4. Notebook in Word - you can record audio directly onto the document while you take notes.

It really is a nice suite. I know how much we all dislike Monopolysoft, but for me, Appleworks wasn't an option. If you are looking for a nice office suite, this is it.

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