So I sold my iMac G5 iSight and got a Duo Core mini...not exactly an upgrade in itself, but the 20" ADC sure is .
Anyway, when I bought it yesturday I did not have time to have them install extra memory, so I call them up today and the guy tells me it is $200 for a 1 gig upgrade. Does this sound right to you? I know on you can customize the mini, upgrading to 1 gig costs $100 which is much more reasonable. I'm not looking to drop another $200 for 512 megs more, it seems ridiculous to me. Is this what other mini owners have paid or was I misquoted? Thanks
Anyway, when I bought it yesturday I did not have time to have them install extra memory, so I call them up today and the guy tells me it is $200 for a 1 gig upgrade. Does this sound right to you? I know on you can customize the mini, upgrading to 1 gig costs $100 which is much more reasonable. I'm not looking to drop another $200 for 512 megs more, it seems ridiculous to me. Is this what other mini owners have paid or was I misquoted? Thanks