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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 30, 2006
Hello, I just got my new 20" imac today. It's really great, however whenever I pop in a dvd of a movie that i have, for some reason it wont play. neither the dvd player nor vlc player can read it, and also, handbrake cant rip it. I tried with three different dvd's and none worked. Im hoping that it's something i'm doing wrong. the drive has no trouble reading music cd's and blanks.
I have heard rumors of people saying the drives in the iMac are very sensitive. I really hope that's not the case because I just bought 20" myself. The one or 2 non-movie DVD's I have put in read without a problem.

Are these pressed or burned DVD's?
pressed. It shows the image of the dvd on the desktop, just nothing can seem to read it...
It would seem that you might have a bad optical. Can you read CDs OK? Can you double-click the DVD icon to open it up in Finder (to see if it can see the files in there)?
well that was weird...I went to work, came home a couple hours later and it works no problem lol.

This mac world certainly is a new place for me...
cornerdealy said:
well that was weird...I went to work, came home a couple hours later and it works no problem lol.

This mac world certainly is a new place for me...
If you literally changed nothing and all the sudden it works... was the Mac left on? If so, and if it had to warm up to work, then you've got some hardware issue somewhere.
well I guess I'll see what happens. Yes it was left on, so who knows. Honestly, the ability to read dvd's isnt exactly a selling point for me, so if this is my only issue I wont be too worried.

I'll shut it down tonight and tomorrow morning see if it works right off the bat. I'll make sure to report back here.
ok, update.

I shut it off for the night, and now this morning (well, afternoon. hehe, summer.) I turned it on and first thing popped a dvd in and it worked fine.

The only thing i could think that i had done was right before i got it to work yesterday, I set it to read dvd's off of vlc, but then switched it back to dvd player, so maybe there was some software issue.
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