I just jailbroke my iPhone 3G and I couldn't be happier. I just have a few very simple questions.
Is there a Cydia app that allows to turn the SMS keyboard? If so, a source?
Also, where can I find a good tutorial about SSH? I don't understand it and I want to learn more. I tried a Google search for SSH and it came up with a bunch of forum and blog posts, not realy a good how to and explaination.
Thanks for any help that can be offered!! I look foreward to learning alot from this forum and hopefuly contributing what I can.
Is there a Cydia app that allows to turn the SMS keyboard? If so, a source?
Also, where can I find a good tutorial about SSH? I don't understand it and I want to learn more. I tried a Google search for SSH and it came up with a bunch of forum and blog posts, not realy a good how to and explaination.
Thanks for any help that can be offered!! I look foreward to learning alot from this forum and hopefuly contributing what I can.