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I just jailbroke my 3G iPhone on my Mac Leopard with QuickPwn.....Now What ?

Do i still need the Mac Pawnage Tool ?

use cydia to download winterboard.

once you have winterboard, you can download themes, apps, etc off of cydia and apply them via winterboard.
Ok, Cool ! What is WinterBoard ?

its a program that lets you apply the themes, icons, keyboads and what have you that you download....

i just jailbroke my phone yesterday, so im still learning also.... look for my threads that i made yesterday, you can learn as I do lol
ok, i am mainly interested in getting some cool apps,
like PDA Net, Modem, and other awesome and free apps !

Cydia is your source for everything!
If you open up Cydia and go to the Sections tab at the bottom, you can browse though categories of things!

You can also add more sources of apps by going to Sections>Repositories
Theme's are cool but why is there only 17 games? ...What a crock. I was under the impression there'd be lots of free games.
Theme's are cool but why is there only 17 games? ...What a crock. I was under the impression there'd be lots of free games.

Well you can get SNES and GBA but why would you want more games when you have the Appstore?
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