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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 31, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I'll be PC-Free tomorrow!

I've been using Powerbooks for about 5 years now, but have always had a PC Desktop. Finally completed the switch today.

Not a bad deal thru amazon. $1,700 no tax, $3.99 next day shipping, and a $150 MIR. Cheaper than if I went thru the Apple store with my Edu Discount.
Welcome to MR. Congratulations on your purchase.
I recently ordered one my self, and is eagerly awaiting it´s arrival.
Did you BTO, or can´t you do that from Amazon?
Congrats, you'll love that machine, it is arguably the best valued Mac right now in terms of performance versus cost. And glad to see you're a member of MacRumors as well - if you have any quesitons when your new Mac arrives, just let us know. :cool: (I realize you've been a Mac user for 5 years but still, never hurts to say it... ;))
Thanks for the kind words, all! This is a great place to keep me occupied untill my new toy arrives ;-)

yoak said:
Did you BTO, or can´t you do that from Amazon?

Amazon wouldn't let me BTO, the only option I might have wanted was the 256mb Video Card, but it's not that huge of a deal. I'll probably grab some ram from OWC.
I almost went for the stock machine myself, as I could by it at my local Apple center, but I got a coupon from so I bought it there and added the 256 card. Not sure I really need it. RAM´s more important I guess.
Great purchase choice. Going through Amazon was also smart. I'm still waiting to save up a few more $$ and I'm getting the exact same thing. You'll love the machine.
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