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Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
The Canon EOS XS model. It's all I could afford at the moment. I heard it is really decent to get started with. Do any of you guys know any good books for the camera, or any good sites (that really are not hard to understand for a noob? ahaha). Specifically too I want to learn the terminology as well. I have a photography class coming, and I want to take my graphic arts degree in this direction. I do a lot of portraits with point and shoot, but I have outgrown them.
About a week ago I was at WalMart and I picked up the Rebel and started using it just taking photos of the wife there, and fell in love. It's a pretty awesome camera and was easy to understand. The auto mode functions seemed to really perform well too. That was a big deal to me since I am still learning.

Anyways, if anyone has any good bookmarks, please post em. I could use the help. I also was wondering what sort of telephoto lenses are out there for the Canon that are affordable and somewhat sharp at a distance. I want to start shooting some sports events this summer. Thanks!!!

Also since I just have the packaged lens, would it be prudent to get a UV filter for my outside work?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2009
the cold dark north
so many questions, so little space to write..
I don't want to publicize my site but I have taken the "starters and beginners" approach and have several short but easy explanations about Photographic terminologies and functions on my site (look under the EXPLAiNED section, if you want to).
Now, first off, I think any DSLR that can provide the basic functions is a great starter and i would like to welcome you to the community :)
Now, sports events are a bit tricky. if you want sharp pictures you need what is called a "fast" lens. This lens allows you to capture a lot of light at a long distance and therefore faster shutter speed, and in so freezing the moment .. SHARP. It will also set you back upwards of 1000 USD. :)

However not all is lost. if your events are outside and you have decent lighting you can try to get a 55-250mm EF-s IS lens and start with that. they are usually cheap but not as fast so you need GOOD light to capture fast action.But it will get you started.

You should also get the book Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. It's the holy bible for all newcomers and you will learn a LOT about photography and not about the camera.

Look at it this way: you learn about the art, the tools work for you on their own. Or better said: Once you understand the principles, its very easy to learn the camera functions.
Again, good luck with your hobby, i know it is costing me a pretty penny but if you want to obtain a hidden gem of a lens, get the Canon 50mm f1.8. Everyone will recommend you this lens because its stellar and dirt cheap, at way under 100 USD used (Nikon has the same and its just as cheap and just as good). You will fall in love with the way photos look after that, believe me :D

My 2c,


Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
Great info there thanks. Yah I remember seeing that lens mentioned so much on Macrumors. I will get that lens next and then save up for a 1000$+ lens for sports. Good tips! I will also check out the book too. I'll be back, have to get started on my homeworkie. ahah
*bookmarked your site too. Thanks

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
If you were able to figure Indesign out, you will have no problem with the camera...:cool:

There are a bunch of books on how to operate any camera you can think of, but I just try to muddle through. The Understanding Exposure book is always recommended. I have one similar from another author. Main thing is to have fun and take a lot of shots.


Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
If you were able to figure Indesign out, you will have no problem with the camera...:cool:

There are a bunch of books on how to operate any camera you can think of, but I just try to muddle through. The Understanding Exposure book is always recommended. I have one similar from another author. Main thing is to have fun and take a lot of shots.


thanks guys keep the links and stuff coming!

I live in indesign and photoshop :D. Yah it seems I am learning more and more about dslr stuff everyday. Its become a slight obsession for me. I want to do some creative things with my camera, so I can't wait to get it.
I was showing my wife all the cool lenses, filters, and flash stuff that you can get for intermediate-pro photography. It's insane. Photoshop can do wonders, can do alot, but dslr is where it's at.

It's nice that Mrumors has an active photo community. I've been trolling these photography threads a bit, and now will have a reason to post once in a while. ahhaha!

Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
Congrats on the new cam.

Hey thanks! Tomorrow I don't have any design homework so I am going to check out all these killer links.

I also on a side note want to know of a good sub-50$ tripod. I bought a Targus one from Walmart that I was using on my P&S. Will that be good for a while?


macrumors 65816
Feb 15, 2002
I also on a side note want to know of a good sub-50$ tripod.

Cheap tripods can be a waste of money. If it is unable to support the weight of the camera, or if the legs are unable to suppress vibrations and other movements, there's not much benefit to buying it.

Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
Cheap tripods can be a waste of money. If it is unable to support the weight of the camera, or if the legs are unable to suppress vibrations and other movements, there's not much benefit to buying it.

Oh good point. It might be okay for the cheap camera but not for the heavier dslr. I didn't even think about that.


macrumors member
May 31, 2010
Congrats, you've made the right decision and welcome to the world of DSLR.

I would HIGHLY recommend you buy the Canon 50mm F1.8(Nifty Fifty) for low light(pictures indoors with no flash) and portraiture. It's a great lens for learning composition and distance to your subject. It gives great artistic Bokeh(background blur) to your images when shooting between f1.8 and f4 PLUS this lens is tack sharp! The best part about all this, is this lens will only cost you a $100 or less brand new! Buy it now and thank me later ;)

+1 for the 55-250 with IS as this is also a great lens that is both affordable and very sharp.


macrumors 6502a
hey man :)
Good choice, that was my starting camera also :D
Have you got some sort of IM client or something i can contact you on?
I'd be more than glad to give you some good pointers with that camera! And just tips in general :)

Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
My msn is and my website is , It's been a little photography and graphic design bloggie that I have been doing. The point and shoot stuff I have been doing has been turning out okay. Every time I went and shot with like 100 or so pictures with my p&s I usually got like 10-15 that I really liked quality wise. Yah thanks, get ahold of me. Always a pleasure to talk to mrumors people. The two-three weeks till the camera gets here is gonna be a long wait for me ahha.

I do want to grab that "nifty fifty" lens mentioned above. I remember seeing a lot of people on here say it was a great value for the cheap price. So that will probably be my first extra lens. Maybe I will sell a couple of xbox games to get it. Lord knows I have a bunch. (18+) And I never play half of em. ahaha


macrumors 6502a
My msn is and my website is , It's been a little photography and graphic design bloggie that I have been doing. The point and shoot stuff I have been doing has been turning out okay. Every time I went and shot with like 100 or so pictures with my p&s I usually got like 10-15 that I really liked quality wise. Yah thanks, get ahold of me. Always a pleasure to talk to mrumors people. The two-three weeks till the camera gets here is gonna be a long wait for me ahha.

I do want to grab that "nifty fifty" lens mentioned above. I remember seeing a lot of people on here say it was a great value for the cheap price. So that will probably be my first extra lens. Maybe I will sell a couple of xbox games to get it. Lord knows I have a bunch. (18+) And I never play half of em. ahaha

ah brilliant! we shall have to arrange an online meeting of sorts so we can have a chat! so i can just add you on msn messenger with that? (just wondering as its a gmail address.) Haha no worries man, just think i can help out a little ya know :D Ah damn shame you have to wait that long!

and yes, yes, yes! Get the nifty fifty, you will NOT regret it :)

Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
ah brilliant! we shall have to arrange an online meeting of sorts so we can have a chat! so i can just add you on msn messenger with that? (just wondering as its a gmail address.) Haha no worries man, just think i can help out a little ya know :D Ah damn shame you have to wait that long!

and yes, yes, yes! Get the nifty fifty, you will NOT regret it :)

I will. I am hoping it improves my portraits : ). Yah I setup my Live account with my gmail address, so you just input that to add me. Thanks a bunch!


macrumors 65816
Oct 15, 2007
Congratulations on your purchase. My XSi has served me very well and although now my skills have surpassed my camera I can definitely tell you you made a wise purchase getting a "beginning DSLR" - it is VERY capable of producing excellent photos and 95% of the photo is the photographer, not the equipment.

Anyways, the books I would recommend are the first two of the three in the "the digital photography book" series.
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