I've been browsing apple.com's refurbished Mac store for about 3 weeks, and had noticed that they've had the white 17' 1.83 GHz iMacs for $699 off and on. Last night I called the apple store to find out more about it and while I didn't buy it then (and it was gone by this morning), this afternoon another one came up, and I've taken the plunge. I was thinking of getting the 24" $1299 one, but I really don't have the $$ for that right now...
That being said, to have my first ever iMac for under $800 inc. tax + shipping is a marvel!
This one only has 512 MB ram, but I'm hoping that I can figure out which Ram to buy from MacMall, and how to install it.
I didn't need a SuperDrive, or Blu-Ray, or a massive graphics card, because I don't do heavy-duty work or gaming on the computer. But I'm sick and tired of MSWindoze, and it was time.

I hope that the screen is as good as the current 20" models...
My plan is to upgrade the RAM and buy a Windoze emulator, and take it from there.
Oh, and probably a better mouse, eventually.
I'm going to keep my Dell laptop for when I need to travel - at least until I get either the iPhone or the iPod Touch. Then I can ditch it!
This one only has 512 MB ram, but I'm hoping that I can figure out which Ram to buy from MacMall, and how to install it.
I hope that the screen is as good as the current 20" models...
My plan is to upgrade the RAM and buy a Windoze emulator, and take it from there.
I'm going to keep my Dell laptop for when I need to travel - at least until I get either the iPhone or the iPod Touch. Then I can ditch it!