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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 14, 2008
I've been browsing's refurbished Mac store for about 3 weeks, and had noticed that they've had the white 17' 1.83 GHz iMacs for $699 off and on. Last night I called the apple store to find out more about it and while I didn't buy it then (and it was gone by this morning), this afternoon another one came up, and I've taken the plunge. I was thinking of getting the 24" $1299 one, but I really don't have the $$ for that right now... :( That being said, to have my first ever iMac for under $800 inc. tax + shipping is a marvel!

This one only has 512 MB ram, but I'm hoping that I can figure out which Ram to buy from MacMall, and how to install it. :) I didn't need a SuperDrive, or Blu-Ray, or a massive graphics card, because I don't do heavy-duty work or gaming on the computer. But I'm sick and tired of MSWindoze, and it was time. :) :) :p

I hope that the screen is as good as the current 20" models... :rolleyes:

My plan is to upgrade the RAM and buy a Windoze emulator, and take it from there. :) Oh, and probably a better mouse, eventually.

I'm going to keep my Dell laptop for when I need to travel - at least until I get either the iPhone or the iPod Touch. Then I can ditch it!
I'm typing this on my new 17" iMac! What a great screen!

I'm very excited about this new computer - great keyboard, as well... I was thinking about getting an iPhone soon, but I think I'm going to just stick with my Razr for the time being, until I get a handle on using this new machine. As a first-time switcher, I can tell that this is going to take a LOT of getting used to... and I still need to get a copy of Win XP for some of the stuff off of my laptop.

I'm full of questions, but they can wait for now. First things first - figuring out where firefox stores bookmarks on the Mac so I can get it up and running (I've already downloaded it... :)
Congrats on the iMac and welcome to the wonderful world of apple. It won't take as long as you might thing to get used to the new machine. They are easy to learn. If your looking to upgrade your memory, I suggest getting Crucial memory. In my experience, there memory works great, is priced right, and there website can help you pick out the exact memory you need with there Crucial System Scanner.:apple:
Congrats on the iMac and welcome to the wonderful world of apple. It won't take as long as you might thing to get used to the new machine. They are easy to learn. If your looking to upgrade your memory, I suggest getting Crucial memory. In my experience, there memory works great, is priced right, and there website can help you pick out the exact memory you need with there Crucial System Scanner.:apple:
Hi bunit, and thanks for the link. I've read here about getting Crucial memory, didn't realize they make it so easy.

I was a bit unhappy when I realized that this machine only supports 2GB memory - I have OSX 10.5.4 - is that Leopard? I'm hoping that I will be able to upgrade to snow leopard, but only if it will run well on this machine.

After last night I was a bit unhappy with this smaller monitor - and I'm noticing that black text on white (like here in the forums) doesn't look as crisp and sharp as I'd like. Not sure what to do about that.. or if I need to just find the extra $500 and exchange this for the refurb 24". (not that I can find that kind of money.. oh well. :(
That's a good start. I believe 2gigs of memory is okay. Yes, you're running Leopard. As I recall, that particular iMac utilizes an Intel GMA 950 integrated graphics.

You may want to check the 'Font smoothing style' under System Preference -> Appearance.

As for FireFox's bookmark, it's located under ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles
Congratulations on your new Mac...The people on MacRumors are great...(Except the community discussion board !!) Just kidding...

Enjoy !!!:D:apple:
I would honestly hang on to the 17" for a while and save your money. You got it for what seems to be a great deal and being your 1st mac, you can play with it and get used to it and then in a while you will have an idea of what you may want to upgrade it with. And hopefully at that time you will have more money to get exactly what you want.:apple:
That's a good start. I believe 2gigs of memory is okay. Yes, you're running Leopard. As I recall, that particular iMac utilizes an Intel GMA 950 integrated graphics.

You may want to check the 'Font smoothing style' under System Preference -> Appearance.

As for FireFox's bookmark, it's located under ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles
Hi minik, good to hear that 2 gigs would be okay. All this talk about upgrading to 4 GB on the new machines gives me RAM envy though. :)

I looked at the 'font smoothing', but I'm no sure which one I'm supposed to pick. I know this isn't a CRT, so that's not the best choice... but no matter which one I choose, I don't see a change in the text here in Firefox. For instance, if I look up above, where it says User CP, etc, the "i" in members list is practically greyed out, as well as the "L" in FAQ/Rules. What's up with that? In the text I've just typed some of the 'i's look greyed out, but others are clear. WTF?
Congratulations on your new Mac...The people on MacRumors are great...(Except the community discussion board !!) Just kidding...Enjoy !!!:D:apple:
Thanks, Delta608... I think. :) j/k! :D
I would honestly hang on to the 17" for a while and save your money. You got it for what seems to be a great deal and being your 1st mac, you can play with it and get used to it and then in a while you will have an idea of what you may want to upgrade it with. And hopefully at that time you will have more money to get exactly what you want.:apple:
Hi bunit... Thanks for the thoughts. It certainly is a great deal, and I am enjoying working with it. Part of my reluctance to settle on this one is because I don't have much money anyway - so if I keep this one and then upgrade later on I'd be out more $$$.

HOWEVER... there are more expenses to be dealt with - finding out if my printer works with this computer, getting a copy of Win XP, and likely other stuff, as well. And when I think about it, this is actually a pretty sweet little computer to have around (not to mention resale for someone else's kid in several years.

Time for me to go hang out in the applications forum. I need a free password safe! :)
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