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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 23, 2006
I was waiting (as everyone) after WWDC to buy a new MBP, but after thinking about it for weeks I decided to get a refurb

15" Glossy screen
100GB HD
1GB Ram

And ordered 1GB extra Ram from Datamem.

I paid $2,250 tax included + $85 extra ram so it was really cheap, I'm a college student and I can't really afford the regular price ($2,500 + tax + extra ram).

Anyway, this is a fast machine and probably will still be fast after I'm done with college, but I'm kinda worried about the "used" and the heat - moo issues.
congrats on the purchase! and i wouldn't worry too much about any issues: 1, it's gone through a second QC and 2, you have that warranty just like you would with a new machine, so if there are any problems, you can have it replaced/fixed!
I'm going to agree w/ xfiftyfour on this. (In fact my MBP is a 2.0GHz/1GB/100GB refurb.) The second (usually more thorough) QC check, and replacement of failed component(s) means your odds of getting a bad unit go down significantly.

Generally speaking, electronics either fail within 3 months, or after 3+ years. Refurbs are generally refurbs either because someone ended up not liking it for some reason, or because a component failed, and the owner got a replacement rather than a repair. Before the refurb goes out, it gets the repair, and the odds of the same component failing twice is exponentially smaller. (Assuming a 10% chance of component failure, the odds of it happening twice is 1%. If the failure odds are 1%, the dual-failure odds are .01%)

Some manufacturers give lesser attention to their refurb gear (and a correspondingly shortened warrenty), but Apple gives the full warranty period, so I wouldn't worry about that.
should be in good condition and most definitely will be fast after college. i am ordering a refurb macbook and hope it is in good condition. congrats
Congrats on your purchase. I just purchased the 2.0GHz/512RAM/80GB HDD at the refurb for $1699 + tax was $1800 something. Plan to purchase 2GB ram for my machine as well. Still waiting on mine though, shipping to North Carolina and right now I am in Toronto Ontario.
Awesome...good luck with it. I don't think you will have an worries with updates. WWDC will most likely be all about the Powermac (MacPro?).

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