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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 18, 2021
A few weeks ago, I placed an order on Apple's website for the iPad Mini 6 with cellular data.

It was totally my fault for ordering the wrong storage capacity that I actually wanted. I didn't noticed until this morning that my order was for the iPad Mini 6 64gb wifi & cellular data. Expected delivery is next week, although it hasn't actually shipped out jut yet.

Unfortunately, what I really want is the 256gb version(still with cellular data). Apple rep told me that they couldn't change my order. The only thing to do is to cancel the existing order and place a new order.

If I order the 256gb now, it shows delivery well into January 2022, about a month and half from today.

How bad it is to use a 64gb iPad Mini 6? My only other iOS device with 64gb is my older iPhone Xs Max. Looking at it right now. The phone has about 23gb free space remaining after 2 years of use. Does that sound like I'll be fine with a 64gb iPad?

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How bad it is to use a 64gb iPad Mini 6? My only other iOS device with 64gb is my older iPhone Xs Max. Looking at it right now. The phone has about 23gb free space remaining after 2 years of use. Does that sound like I'll be fine with a 64gb iPad?

Everyone ipad use case is totally different so only you can know if 64GB will be enough
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Do you have a Micro Center nearby? My local Micro Center usually has a ton of iPad Minis in stock.

I wish.... I grew up with 2 or 3 Micro Centers around me..... then about 10 years ago, I moved to a state with no Micro Center.(which made me sad) :(
Hard to say, 64GB might be just fine. How will you be using it, how long do you expect to keep it? But my own choice would be the larger capacity. These days 64GB seems low, but I tend to get more rather than less.

All in all I would agree with @Apple_Robert and if I was in your position I would do just as he suggests. We get so used to immediate gratification these days that it seems interminable to wait for something. I wouldn't want to find myself with a device that turned out to be insufficient and be regretting not getting the right configuration from the beginning.
Hard to say, 64GB might be just fine. How will you be using it, how long do you expect to keep it? But my own choice would be the larger capacity. These days 64GB seems low, but I tend to get more rather than less.

All in all I would agree with @Apple_Robert and if I was in your position I would do just as he suggests. We get so used to immediate gratification these days that it seems interminable to wait for something. I wouldn't want to find myself with a device that turned out to be insufficient and be regretting not getting the right configuration from the beginning.

I paid deposit and waited for my car to arrive in 3 months.(which turned out to be a 7-month wait, which was unexpected for the Germans who were supposed to be precise and on-time) That was 3 years ago, pre-pandemic.

These days, I somehow don't even have the patience to wait 2 days for online orders to arrive. I partially blame Amazon. My area started getting same-day deliveries in 2019 and I've been spoiled ever since.(ordered the Macbook Air in 2019.. it arrived that very afternoon.. left at my front porch exactly 3 hours after I ordered it on Amazon's website)
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I’m seeing a Dec 20-22 delivery on Amazon for a Starlight 256/cellular. The others are for early January.
I’m seeing a Dec 20-22 delivery on Amazon for a Starlight 256/cellular. The others are for early January.

I'm actually trapped.. because I have $1400 in Apple gift card/account balance to use... so ordering from other places isn't really an option. :) :) :)
I'm actually trapped.. because I have $1400 in Apple gift card/account balance to use... so ordering from other places isn't really an option. :) :) :)
I had a somewhat similar problem since i had a $500 credit for the return of the Apple silicon developer kit (DTK) that I had to use before the end of the year. So I bought the iPad mini but I ended up paying more than necessary since I couldn’t go anywhere to get a discount.
Just exchange and wait. To me, this hesitation only means you won’t be happy with the lesser model.
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Just exchange and wait. To me, this hesitation only means you won’t be happy with the lesser model.


I could have used that advice before I got married.... the old saying was right... "good things come to those who wait [for the next woman to come along]..." :(
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I'd say keep the order. Try the iPad Mini 64gb out for a couple of weeks — you have until January 8 to return it.

You may discover that you love it, the storage space isn't a problem, and you'll have it in time for Christmas! Or, you may discover that the Mini form factor isn't for you, in which case, you wouldn't want the 256gb model, anyway!

You wrote,

“The phone has about 23gb free space remaining after 2 years of use. Does that sound like I'll be fine with a 64gb iPad?”​

That makes me think you'll be fine.

The big question is whether you plan on storing, taking, or downloading long videos and movies and lots of huge PDFs to the iPad… If not, you should be fine.

I've been rocking a 64gb iPad Air 2 for years now and have filled only 38gb of the space. And, that’s with scores of apps that I no longer use and could be easily deleted.

Note: I don't store videos, TV shows, or movies on the device. I transfer videos and photos I take to my Mac and we stream movies and TV shows via our Roku to our TV. Much better than in your face eyeball viewing! ?
I'd say keep the order. Try the iPad Mini 64gb out for a couple of weeks — you have until January 8 to return it.

You may discover that you love it, the storage space isn't a problem, and you'll have it in time for Christmas! Or, you may discover that the Mini form factor isn't for you, in which case, you wouldn't want the 256gb model, anyway!

You wrote,

“The phone has about 23gb free space remaining after 2 years of use. Does that sound like I'll be fine with a 64gb iPad?”​

That makes me think you'll be fine.

The big question is whether you plan on storing, taking, or downloading long videos and movies and lots of huge PDFs to the iPad… If not, you should be fine.

I've been rocking a 64gb iPad Air 2 for years now and have filled only 38gb of the space. And, that’s with scores of apps that I no longer use and could be easily deleted.

Note: I don't store videos, TV shows, or movies on the device. I transfer videos and photos I take to my Mac and we stream movies and TV shows via our Roku to our TV. Much better than in your face eyeball viewing! ?
Interesting. I bought the 256 GB mini without much thought. I was using nearly 400 GB on my iPad Pro so I thought even 256 GB might be tight.

I just checked and I’m using only about 45 GB currently on the iPad mini. A lot of the difference is because I’m using the mini as mostly a consumption device and my M1 MacBook Air as my productivity device where I was trying to use the iPad Pro previously. But I also haven’t downloaded all my music and instead I’m just using Apple Music instead.

It is interesting that with a little work I could easily just use a 64 GB iPad mini. Right now I’m anticipating that I’ll be over 100 GB before a year is out but a lot of that is just clutter that could be cleaned up if necessary. While I don’t think I would want to do the work to stay under 64 GB it does seem like it would be possible.
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I could have used that advice before I got married.... the old saying was right... "good things come to those who wait [for the next woman to come along]..." :(
Yeah, in retrospect, I realize I dodged a few bullets myself. Luckily, waiting until 36 seemed to work as I think I landed me a good one (just celebrated 15 years).
I'm actually trapped.. because I have $1400 in Apple gift card/account balance to use... so ordering from other places isn't really an option. :) :) :)

Find anyone in your life wanting to buy Apple things. Use some of that $1400 toward their purchase and they give you cash. As long as they trust you, your gift cards/account balance is "same as cash" for them. Then check the "big 4" carriers. I just spot checked Tmobile and they are showing Dec 14-28 for 256GB. And check various retailers too.

Else, as others have offered, return and wait. January is not that long.

If you perceive you'll need more than 64GB, you probably will. iPads can last for years. My buying advice is that if the existing device this replaces is at about 75% or more of 64GB, you probably need 256GB... if not immediately, then in the next few years before this one is replaced.
I'm actually trapped.. because I have $1400 in Apple gift card/account balance to use... so ordering from other places isn't really an option. :) :) :)

Do you have an Apple Store nearby? Check the online store for stock, by 'ordering one, and clicking 'store pickup', and then 'check availability' and seeing if it is available. You can also check 'nearby stores', but depending on where you are, they might not be all that near. You might luck out and catch a local store with one in stock. Weirder things have happened...
In my case, I have a 64 iPhone, which is fine for me, but an 256 GB iPad Pro, which I upgraded from a 64 iPad Pro purchased 1 year and a half before. I upgraded because I could sell my former iPad Pro, and the reason for upgrading was that I was constantly redownloading apps and files. But my use case is lots of files, videos and audio, and lots of heavy apps for music production. So yes, the extra space made a difference.
I’d say to evaluate your use case. If you suspect that you need the 256Gb version, order it. As suggested, you can keep your original purchase up to Jan 8th.
Just as a side note, for practical reasons, I’m holding back my purchase of a new MacBook Pro. I haven’t even ordered it yet. The wait is hard, but when I think of it, I don’t even have the time to enjoy the Mac right now, so I prefer to enjoy the devices I have (and life in general) and prepare my purchase for exploiting all of its juice when it arrives. This might not apply to you, but it helps me to control my constant desire for novelty and new toys.
In that case you’ll have to wait until she’s back in stock.

it was the absolutely biggest mistakes I ever made in my entire life... not a day goes by without me thinking about her... I feel sorry, ashamed, regretful, and even mad at myself. as such, I will not and do not deserver her affection ever again, even if she's "back in stock" :( I was a sorry excuse for a man for what I did and I only wish that she has a happy life.
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