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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
Just thought I'de post some pics from my adventures today, Im not a professional or anything, but I'de like to think I do ok :) Let me know what you think? Here are some sample pictures below, and a link to the gallery with a LOT (140) of pics if you care to look. All pics were taken with a Sony DSC-W50 6.0MP P&S.

Click Here For Galley
If the thumbnails don't load right, just refresh, and try scrolling around and they should load, Picasa is picky that way.












macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
The butterfly looks like it is in flight, did you shoot it while it was flying? With all the insect pictures as well, it looks like you've focused in the right areas as well, not the back of the wings but the eyes and stuff.

I like the pictures if you're just starting out, but one thing is clear, you haven't edited these, the levels could do with some adjusting, nothing is standing out colourwise.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
The butterfly looks like it is in flight, did you shoot it while it was flying? With all the insect pictures as well, it looks like you've focused in the right areas as well, not the back of the wings but the eyes and stuff.

I like the pictures if you're just starting out, but one thing is clear, you haven't edited these, the levels could do with some adjusting, nothing is standing out colourwise.

Nope the butterfly was sitting on a flower, I just happened to catch him with his wings open, which wasn't easy.

No I haven't edited them (or any of my pictures for that matter). I don't really know how LOL. When you say the "levels" need adjusting what levels are you talking about specifically? Thats my problem, I can look at a picture, but I don't really know what I should adjust.

Take the butterfly picture for example, what would you say is "wrong" with it, and what exactly would you adjust. I DLed a trial of Photoshop to play with, but im waiting for a UB of Elements before I buy it.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
The first image is yours. (top left)

The second image is how the computer adjusted the image. (top right)

The third images is how I adjusted it. (bottom left)

Adjusting the levels is something you do to an image to either increase the tonal range (making sure as a rule that there is a black and a white in the image) removing the grey as much as possible.

As to which one is right, well that depends on yourself as the photographer. Though I must admit my one is a bit too bright for my liking but I worked very quickly on this.


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macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
Here is another example. I worked on this file today actually with Aperture. (downloadable as a free trail as well remember) Its an older image taken with a Fuji S7000.

There are 4 images, the original, the original in black and white, the black and white one with some edits and the last one is how I would have liked the series but didn't use it. Instead opting to go with the edited black and white one.

The problem with the original is the image is too dark (*NOTE*), I've desaturated it (turned it black and white) and adjusted the levels to lose some of the dark as you can clearly see, this is a better image when describing the differences.

I've thrown in the one with adjusted colours to let you know its up to you how you want to present your images, that one is with quarter of the original colour present. It doesn't mean all of a sudden that I'm wrong either.

*The original isn't too dark, I selected the wrong image, but the intention still stands*


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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
By levels I assume your reffering to this?


I did some playing around, let me know how I did? I don't quite understand yet what the sliders are doing, but I played with them till I likes the look of the image.






macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
I don't see a problem with the flowers image but don't forget something else as well when it comes to levels and colours.

(Yes I was refering to what you posted in the photoshop image)

It's always going to look different on another persons computer. All monitors display images slightly differently so it won't be the same when I look at any of your images online as you would see it. The differences will be slight though.

Another thing, you edited that image in the RGB colour space which is fine for online work but when you want to print this image you need to convert it to CMYK, it'll look different again.

Google for colour spaces and colour models to learn more about this. It's related to the theory of colour.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
Even more of a reason to research into colour spaces and colour models.

Just from searching quickly it would seem that printing in sRBG would not be so good. Odd since many people on this forum seem to recommend MPIX, some even said they use it for prints that they sell.


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
Just from searching quickly it would seem that printing in sRBG would not be so good. Odd since many people on this forum seem to recommend MPIX, some even said they use it for prints that they sell.

When you create any picture you use the RGB model or some other variation of it. RGB is (light based) what is known as an additive colour model, you add the primaries together to form new colours.

CMYK is (ink based)a subtractive colour model, take colours away from each other to create new colours.

Because of how these different models work, we use computers to interpret the differences between each colour model and then that's how you convert a digital image into a physical print with near enough accuracy.

I haven't looked into colour theory for ages so I'm a bit rusty but I don't understand how a printer can use sRGB (light) to create a physical image! :p

Anyway the computer is given different models and as to what colour spaces they each address, any Apple Mac is given various colour spaces as well, these can be seen in the system preference --> Displays.

I'm questioning whether you need to know all this but then you *were* concerned about printing and displaying your images properly. If you really want to get into it I suggest you play with photoshop first instead then look into how colour works but for the most part with what you're doing you don't need to just yet.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
Actually you brought up the printing :D. I originally just wanted opinions on my pictures, and what if anything I should do to correct them. Im still trying to learn how to post-process. That being said I would still like to learn the printing stuff at some point, but for now, as long as the pictures print close to what they look like on screen Im happy. I don't print pictures very often anyway.

Thanks for the info so far.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2007
North Carolina
Call me a newb....

I have photoshop 8.0 for mac osx but I don't use it.
Truth is, I haven't taken the time to sit down and figure it out.
I edit all my photos with 'preview'. Haha.
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