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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
not scientific or anything. Am going back out tonight to shoot downtown. I barely missed Dave Chappelle downtown last night:( didn't even know he was going to be there...

first two are with is the 10-20mm, the second one with the 55-250mm and the last one is with the 18-55IS. all test, please keep in mind:)

so far, i highly recommend all three lenses, oh and the camera as well. Night shots were about 15-20 seconds long, and MLU was used. All were shot in manual.


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macrumors member
Jul 27, 2004
so far, i highly recommend all three lenses, oh and the camera as well. Night shots were about 15-20 seconds long, and MLU was used. All were shot in manual.

I really like the 2nd one. What is MLU?


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2006
Might be a stupid question but did you use a tripod? I thought MLU was for hand held shots. I might be confused since MLU on a Canon might be different than on my D80. MLU on the Canon I am assuming is that you press the shutter once to open the mirror and one more time to close the mirror after the exposure time you wanted has passed.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2008
You are confused about mirror lock up. Mirror lock up flips up the mirror the first time you press the button and the shutter fires the second time you press the button. If you are using a remote release and a tripod, you have removed as much vibration as possible from the camera.

What you are describing is the Time setting (T) for shutter speed, you press once to open the shutter and again to close it.


macrumors 6502a
May 28, 2008
I really like the first two shots.
bottom two were ok.

Sorry to overtake this post but how do you post your pictures in your post? and then when clicked upon it will lead to another site?


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2006
Thanks for the clarification. So the mirror opens for you to release the shutter. Interesting I must try it. So the point of MLU is to remove the shaking from the mirror movement?


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
yes, as jampat stated, mirror lock up locks up the mirror right before you shoot. I remember a few years ago on the 4TH, when i was shooting fireworks. I was so wasted that i forgot that i set it to MLU on my 30D. I would hit the shutter and then nothing would happen:) effin alcohol. LOL.

Mirror lockup isn't on all bodies. I think this is the first rebel to get MLU. If it didn't have MLU, i probably wouldn't have gotten it. Most of my shooting, as i have said, is of nature and i am getting into architecture shooting at night, so it is a must.

MLU is the same across all platforms. It isn't a "canon" or Nikon term. It would be in the CF menu (custom functions) to enable/disable it.

Thanks for the words.

The last two are purely test. The first two were test, but i also set up for them, as the the first one was a 35" exposure and the second one was a 15". The one with the boat was with the 55-250mm and the last one was with the 18-55IS. I like he sharpness of all the lenses. Way better then the MKII version of the 18-55. I was going to sell it, but i cannot now:)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
Thanks for the clarification. So the mirror opens for you to release the shutter. Interesting I must try it. So the point of MLU is to remove the shaking from the mirror movement?

that is correct. The mirror causes vibrations as it slaps open and shut. Not a large amount of vibration, but when you are doing likde 35" exposures or whatnot, with the mirror not in lock mode, it will vibrate (well it can). When it is locked up, it is locked into place. I only use this on a tripod, as when you are hand holding, there is usually ample light and thus your shutter speeds are so quick, it wont matter.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008
Thanks for the clarification. So the mirror opens for you to release the shutter. Interesting I must try it. So the point of MLU is to remove the shaking from the mirror movement?
During Live View mode, the camera automatically locks the mirror UP. You still can lock the mirror UP when the camera is on a tripod. For example, I do that for moon shots sometimes. All you are trying to do is to minimize any shake or motion, including the mirror moving out of the way.
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