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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 5, 2006
Here is a poster I just completed while I was at work (I was suppose to be doing actual work). I wanted to do something I could get printed. I am planning on doing a series of 4 or so. Let me know what you think. Thanks


looks really good! colors are great. however, i would maybe try to make the i in studios a sans serif. it kinda creates a little uncomfortable tension between it and the V above it. just a thought though...

Quite 1980s with the greens and purples and the triangular shapes? Was that an inspiration?

the right most yellow ribbon ends a bit suddenly - would be my only crit!
There was really no intentional inspiration. I was just bored at work and decided to create it and thats what came out
I liked it until I saw the drop shadows, those shadows shouldnt be there along the edges. Theyre ruining the quality of the rest of the poster.
Yup, the the drop shadows on that intrude onto the central white area are a little off-putting.

Also I see where 'macfearless' is coming from with the I comment, but I think the serifs help with the kerning of the adjacent characters more than they clash with the V.

Overall, looks stunning :) Good job.
Very good.

I agree with 'macfearless' about the serif "I"; also, as 'design-is' says the shadows that intrude on to the white rectangle don't belong.

Personally I would reduce the opacity of some of the other drop shadows slightly. The only other thing that slightly grates on me is the droplets - they don't quite sit right to my eyes; can't quite put my finger on why. Maybe they need a little rotation and / or shearing to give some more randomness; maybe have the smallest at the top...

Anyway, that's minor stuff. You've done a really good job.
I like it a LOT except for one weird little problem--just above the white box, just to the right of the gold bar--(above the second "D" in "addictive")--there is a bit of turquoise with black confetti on it, and it looks like a frowning face. Once I noticed the "face," I could not stop looking at it. Maybe rearrange the little black bits there just a tad ... ? Or maybe it's just me. :rolleyes:
i actually just checked this out over on

absolute amazing :)

i love it.
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