So, I'm not exactly sure how to find out which version of Kali Linux I'm running, as it is being that I'm running it through VMware Fusion Pro, Quick Shout-out to the DOPEST Virtual Machine tool currently developed. All I wanted to say is....WOW, If I had known on how much hacking I was missing out on for SO LONG! lol, i mean, alleged hacking
, anyways, it's just a dope OS, which I'll also remind you all and note that not only am I running it on a Virtual Machine, that Virtual Machine is running on a Patched version of Big Sur on my mid 2012 A1278 Macbook Pro! What a wonderful age of technology we live in! I do have one question though. When I'm on my Windows 10 virtual machine and I try to open up this ps4.iso I downloaded, its saying there's not enough space on the drive to install it, when there clearly is. is that because its a virtual machine? Like would I need to do the actual boot camp assistant if I wanted to be able to run programs through it? or Maybe it's just a bad version of the game or of that Windows 10? Thoughts and Feedback?