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Original poster
May 15, 2006
Any opinions on which internet security version is better: Kaspersky or Symantec?

I had Kaspersky installed last year, but found it to be buggy. I reinstalled it recently, but battery life was being eaten up.

Does anyone know if Symantec's product has the same effect on battery life and performance?
I thought Windows Defender sucked? I'm tempted to uninstall it from my Win 10 machine that I use at work for dictations (Dragon MPE).
I installed avast antivirus,and I also use a hardware firewall to protect my entire home network. Except that,I also use gatekeeper for my MacBook,and f-secure for phones and tablets. I know that no antivirus give 100 percent protection,but most of them stops the more common viruses,and makes it a bit more difficult for hackers to get access to the system. I'm not sure if I just been lucky this far,or if I'm not enough interesting,but still,I used the Internet since 1995,and never spotted any serious damage caused by hackers or viruses,all I found this far,is malware and bloat ware.
I thought Windows Defender sucked? I'm tempted to uninstall it from my Win 10 machine that I use at work for dictations (Dragon MPE).
That was certainly true a few years ago. I believe is was called Essentials would score below 0 ( zero ) in many tests. Defender started out quite poorly ( makes sense, as it evolved from Essentials ), but has recently done fairly well.

Certainly one can look up where this named antivirus destroyed it in a specific test. Most of the computer viruses are installed by ignorant users, not due to a failed antivirus solution. A prudent user with a little bit of phish awareness can safely navigate the shoreline of the internet with little fear.

Overall, I believe Defender is certainly not a bad choice for a Window10 user, and is what I have used for the last couple of years. Me = Windows Insider Program as well as Apple Developer.
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