I just got a new mac and was wondering if there was any good P2P programs that can be used on Macs? I dont want to have to keep burning CD's to transfer mp3's from my old PC to Mac.
Well i personally use Poisoned, and i used kazaa on one of my friends computer. I found that poisoned is 10 times better than kazaa. I always thought that Kazaa was sooooo good but i was pleasantly surprised when i found that Poisoned can do everything Kazaa can do and more..
If you happen to be a college student and your school uses internet2, Direct Connect is the best. Use the hub i2hub.com and file transfers are faster than anyother p2p out there.
I totally agree...Aquisition is my first choice over the entire pallete of Mac p2p clients. It's extremely simple and easy to use. It lacks any 'advanced' features, but it is reliable and FAST! Definetly faster than Kazaa in real life tests. In addition, you can find almost any file on the gnutella network.