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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 25, 2002
Using Kazaa on my PC a pop-up window came up advertising kazaa platinum, a fee-based Kazaa app that runs on MAC OSX.:D

Skeptical of a sham, I checked out the site and it seems legitimate. The Kazaaplatinum site even had a ZDNet Editor's Choice logo on their main page, but when I went to ZDNet to read a review I could not find one written for Kazaa Platinum. When I searched all of CNET networks, I still could not find anything.

Seems sketchy to me.

Has anyone tried it out? Any feedback?
Kazaa is a load of **** anyway, it messed up my PC with spyware and massively slowed it down. There is no way of getting rid of it unless you wipe the computer. I will be sticking to Limewire, it may not be as good as Kazaa (in terms of the number of people using it) but it does not have the spyware.
No way

There have been scams like this before... but this time, I'm too lazy to read all this small printed stuff...

Just go with Poisoned, a really easy-to-use giFT client... it connects to Gnutella, OpenFT and Fasttrack... yes, that would be Kaaza, right! Do a search for it on VersionTracker... I just replaced Acquisition with this neat lil prog.
Originally posted by hvfsl
Kazaa is a load of **** anyway, it messed up my PC with spyware and massively slowed it down. There is no way of getting rid of it unless you wipe the computer. I will be sticking to Limewire, it may not be as good as Kazaa (in terms of the number of people using it) but it does not have the spyware.
That's why there is KaZaA Lite :rolleyes: ;)
I accidentall posted a second time, and I don't know how to delete this. Please forgive me for my newbie mistake. If a mod can delete this, that wouldbe great.
Originally posted by Capt Underpants
Kazaa lite is a form of Kazaa, however, it infringes on Kazaa's trademarks and copyrights. I am pretty sure I read this in Computer Shopper.

Ah yes, and we should respect the trademarks and copyrights of software which is designed to let people infringe the trademarks and copyrights of others!
Originally posted by h'biki
Ah yes, and we should respect the trademarks and copyrights of software which is designed to let people infringe the trademarks and copyrights of others!

D@mn someone beat me to it. :D

Originally posted by h'biki
software which is designed to let people infringe the trademarks and copyrights of others!

software which is *capable* of infringing on the trademarks and copyrights of others. It's *designed* to share files, period.
Originally posted by medea
question: why would you pay for a program you use to download pirated material?

Question: why would someone pay for a license to use Acquisition?

Answer: people are stupid.

Originally posted by medea
question: why would you pay for a program you use to download pirated material?

( I like the people with broadband who think they should get a special network JUST for themselves to keep the 56Kers away...:rolleyes: theft is theft no matter how fast you do it.)

I feel the same way about paying for a browser since they're almost all free (except Opera & OmniWeb)
found this on

<MistaED> i've got a great backup idea; get what you want important backed up like work docs and stuff, then zip it all up, encrypt it, then rename it to [a porn name].avi and share it on kazaa!
Originally posted by mrjamin
found this on

And by the time you get to work you have atleast 100 users sharing your file!

w00t w00t. :rolleyes:

Anyone who says 'we have KaZaA on the mac' is lying, we have the protocal which allows us to access users using KaZaA through Gift and mlMac.
pfft... aquisition is a waste of time... Kazaa is nothing but windows users, therefore... lame. Limewire is a good bet (I can get nearly anything I want through it). The best way to go is to use Direct Connect... it's the best way to get your love and share it too :) w00t!!

I mean, if I'm going to do something illegal... I might as well help someone else that's trying to do the same thing! Kinda like looting.
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