so i have the 18-55 kit lens, and just bought 35mm 1.8 lens as my goto lens. should i keep both, or can i sell the kit lens now that i have 35mm?
You sure can sell it, but for what the zoom is worth, you might as well keep it for the versatility it can provide.
thanks for the advice!
not gonna sell it, maybe trade for a fisheye somehow
so i have the 18-55 kit lens, and just bought 35mm 1.8 lens as my goto lens. should i keep both, or can i sell the kit lens now that i have 35mm?
the main reason we got this DSLR was a newborn coming in september, and some random vacations we will go on soon.
all great info, thanks for it!!
the main reason we got this DSLR was a newborn coming in september, and some random vacations we will go on soon.
don't save the SLR for special occasions. So many people do that. They keep it put away in a case, in a box in a closet.
Leave it out, with no case on a table with battery charged. Make a goal to shoot at least 100 frames a week, every week.
Vacation shooters have a problem in that they are using a camera that is unfamiliar to them. They tend to simply point the camera a subject and press the bottom. It takes constant practice to "see" composition, color and line and stop thinking that ANY image of your kid where the face is recognizable is good. Take 100 per week and learn to sort them, keep the best 2% or so. and then you learn to recognize those 2% keeper shots while still looking in the viewfinder.
Like anything else, if you do it all the time you get good at it. If done twice a year you don't ever get good.
You don't believe it now but the BEST images are always the ones near your home. Yo know the area you can take advantage of "interesting" weather and light and can go back and re-shoot any time. Vacation shots are done in a rush in a place you don't know well.
Keep it on the kitchen table.