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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 16, 2003
The problem is this: I have a custom setting where the screen is dimming and closing in about 3 minutes of inactivity. However the PB 12" (using 10.3 by the way) is dimming the screen even while I am watching a DVD or a movie at Quicktime. Is there a way for the computer to sense that it is being used and not switch of the screen while I use either of these apps? thanks a lot for your help
assign one of the screen corners as a "Disable Screen Effects" hot corner. put your mouse in that corner when you watch movies and the screen shouldn't dim, no?

i could be completely wrong as i've never tried it...

the other way is to switch the energy saver setting from "Custom" to "Movie" temporarily... (i know that's more of a pain...)
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