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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2021
Hi there! Is it possible to make Finder stay in front (keep its focus) after double clicking a file? Usually, the app that is supposed to open the file gets the focus, which is what I'm trying to temporarily stop...

This is my first post on this forum, so... be kind, please! Thank you.

P.S. I don't need very detailed information. I just need be pointed in the right direction.


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
Welcome to MacRumors!
There's no such compass, since you can't make it do that. But, there are multiple ways to get the focus back to Finder. What do you do to accomplish that?
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2021
1) I'm not familiar with the "there's no such compass" expression. Would you please elaborate?

2) You said:
There's no such compass, since you can't make it do that
Are you saying that I can't make the Finder app stay on top, no matter what?

3) Discussing about ways to get the focus back to Finder would be offtopic, as this is not what I am asking.

4) You asked:
What do you do to accomplish that?
I don't think I understand. Can you please be more specific?


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
When you double-click on a document, that results in some app launching (whatever app is the default for that document type), and that app, at least while launching and opening the document, is in focus.
If you want to keep the finder in focus, then don't launch another app. You can view a document without launching another app by simply selecting the document, and pressing the spacebar. That's using Quickview, which is native to the system, integral to the Finder. When you view a document through Quickview, you will then have the option of opening it from that window, by launching its default app from that quickview window.

I think Gregg2 was probably curious (as I am) to know why you want to open a document, yet not change the focus from the Finder. That's always just a click away, in any case!

You were asking in your first post that you need to be pointed in the right direction. I think Gregg2 was offering the idea that a compass does exactly that, but that compass function does help you with what you are asking.
But, the question remains - Can you tell us what advantage there would be for you when launching an app, but keeping focus on the Finder?
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2021
If you want to keep the finder in focus, then don't launch another app
The app that my files are supposed to open into is already open/launched. I just need the files to get loaded into that app (without forcing me to go back to Finder after opening each new file).

Thank you for the Quickview feature lesson and for explaining why @Gregg2 used "compass" in his post. I guess I wasn't very aware of the words I've used in my first post ("point me in the right direction"). These being said, I still want to know how can I keep the focus on Finder.

To answer your question, the advantage of keeping the focus on Finder is that while the file loads in my app (in the background), I could do something else in Finder (as opposed to waiting for that file to load, then switch back to Finder).

Response for @bogdanw.
Thank you so much for the service suggestion! I created the service (macOS Mojave: "quick action") using Automator and followed all the steps described on the referenced stackexchange page. My observations:
- if my app (let's say I'm talking about the Preview app) is already open, opening a file using the newly created service won't prevent Finder from losing its focus;
- Preview will behave as expected (for the 1st document/window and if the app is closed beforehand), while other apps will ignore the service completely.
Anyway, this is the best direction I've been pointed to so far. Thank you!


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
It solved the issue for all my apps, except Adobe Photoshop. It appears I need to find out why...
Solved with AppleScript
on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop 2020"
        repeat with i from 1 to the count of input
            set theImage to POSIX path of (item i of input)
            open file theImage
        end repeat
    end tell
end run
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