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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 5, 2015
I have recently picked up a used IPP with apple smart keyboard moved from an iPad Air. I like it a lot for internet browsing, occasional email and Netflix, but I also own a MacBook Air 13" mid-2013 model (really wanting Retina display) which I have used quite a bit lately before getting the IPP vs my Ipad Air. I just feel much more productive on the MBA and things tend to take less time to do vs iPad Air.

I'm debating unloading the MBA and IPP and just purchasing a 12" MacBook for an iPad/MBA replacement and make the Macbook my mobile go to device. My reservations are: (1) slightly smaller screen on the 12" MB vs the IPP and MBA (2) Keyboard on the MB 12". A positive for the MB would be running a VM windows 10 which interests me a lot.

Has anyone gone from the IPP to the MacBook 12" and regretted it or has it been a good fit?


macrumors 6502
Apr 10, 2015
I have both. I enjoy the iPP more, but if I had to choose I'd pick the Macbook.

I will say, however, that you should wait until the new computers come out later this year.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 5, 2015
I have both. I enjoy the iPP more, but if I had to choose I'd pick the Macbook.

I will say, however, that you should wait until the new computers come out later this year.

Thanks. I think I'm heavily leaning towards the 12" macbook. Just feel like I'm quicker at getting things done on it. Agree i should wait to see what the 2016 MB will look like although it will be hard to stall until then.


macrumors 65816
Jan 24, 2013
I have both.

If I had to choose one to keep, it would be the 12" macbook.

Having said that, though - the 12.9" iPP is very handy for notes/pdfs/general browsing. Sometimes, it's very nice being able to use a tablet instead of a laptop..but the macbook is definitely more handy, and portable.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 27, 2005
I have an iPad Pro - had the rMB but sold it; am now waiting for the next one to come out to buy it again. There's space for both, and as a mobile work station, to have a 12in and 13in screen in your bag for not much more than the weight of a 15in laptop is a winner.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
I have both. I use the Macbook or even a Razer Blade stealth for business travel but I always carry an iPad Pro into meetings for taking notes. I've probably saved a few acres of trees with the iPad :)
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